Tracy posted an update in the group Rhinoplasty bible 12 years ago
Been compiling a list of things I need to get for surgery, anybody got anything to add??
Things to get for surgery
-v shaped pillow,default,pd.html?cm_mmc=ad-css-_-ggle-shop-_-Home-_-002237751&utm_source=ggle-shop&utm_medium=css&utm_term=002237751&utm_content=Home&utm_campaign=ad&istCompanyId=71f4ae42-94c5-4821-aa58-05eff6da2486&istItemId=rairrmwm&istBid=t
-Vaseline for lips
-face wipes
-natural yoghurt
-various drinks
-cool pack
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Oh and arnica for swelling and bruising
Hi Tracy, had my op with Mr G at highgate a month ago and Im so happy with my result. Dry shampoo is really good, as you cant wash your hair for a few days. Also cotton buds, you’l get through loads of these for cleaning inside your nose and saline nasal spray to keep the inside of your nose clean. I didnt take arnica, asked Mr G and he said dont bother and I didnt get much bruising. Good luck:)
Great thanks, trying to get as much advice as possible. Really reassuring to hear good things about my surgeon as well. 🙂 xx
Comfortable pjs cos you’ll be chilling for a while (day case or not you dont want to be in tight clothes) zip up hoody avoid over the face clothes as you dont wanna knock your nose.
Vaseline your gonna wake up with dry lips and constanstly breathing out of your mouth isnt gonna help them ermmmm….. and not things your gonna need but something i found useful when youve had your surgery and your back in your room the nurse will make your sip water – i wouldnt id eat ice as its much easier to hydrate yourself as its hard to get used to the whole breathing and trying to drink out of your mouth xxx
All these little tips are helping loads, just bought my v shaped silent night pillow £7 from Asda and its soooo comfortable should help me sleep sitting up xx