About me
Hey, im 21 and looking at getting my nose reshaped. Its kind of straight from the front but can see the bump outline and i have a visible bump from the side. Its bothered me since i was about 14, always felt self conscious about the bump and thinking that’s all people looked at. Also having a BA done, im a small 32A and going to a FULL C with the naturelle tear drop shape implants.
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Over 1 year post surgery
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PC was Laura, but shes now left. I have Kimberley now from Nottingham and Surgeon is DR Fratti
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Rio and Ylouise are now friends!
Rachel and Ylouise are now friends!
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Ylouise and Rhianon are now friends!
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10 years, 11 months agokelly szysz and Ylouise are now friends!
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Claudia Symone and Ylouise are now friends!
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