1 DAY PO Started by: Zoe

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  • Zoe

    Hi ladies.. had my BA done yesterday at Fitzroy. Straight after surgery i felt great.. a little tight but other than that felt like i could do anything… then i woke up this morning. Woah, whole different story ha. Feeling very tight and swollen today and very bruised. My mum has my little boy and my partner is working so i am on my own and managing ok atm.
    I was told to get a size bigger in my bra that what i am aiming for to accommodate for the sweling but it is still slightly big. Do you think i should keep it on incase i swell more or change in to my primark one? xx

    Shay 2

    Got my primark one on babes it’s supportive. My problem was that my post op one was quite loose so my breasts were feeling a little sore when I got up. How you feeling?xx


    Hey im 3 days post op im strapped up but wanted to cover my cone nipps up lol iv got my primark one it it feels great my macom was horrible I coulddt breath gd onld primark 🙂 xx


    You may go up and down Hun I have been swelling on and off and am 6 days post op !
    Bless you I sympathise as you get good and bad days but it really does get better xx keep smiling x

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