1 day post op 425cc under hp Started by: Bethanii

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  • Bethanii 2

    Just while I’m laid up I thought I’d share my experience with you all. I’m 5ft 2 and weighed 63kg. I went to the leeds clinic and was appointed Dr Monuir as my surgeon and the first trust hospital Preston. 3x children which I breast fed and left me feeling an empty 32b. None of my bras for me properly and where the top of my boob was meant tk be was ribs. So I bit the bullet and went for the argumentation. I was advised between 375cc and 425cc so off I went for the 425cc. Not sure what side I am now but I’ll keep you updated when I get to know.

    The night before I got the usual jitters more so about the general anaesthetic, the surgery I wasn’t bothered about and I had prepared myself for the worst pain ever. Thw usual omg what if i don’t wake up the needles involved all the usual stuff.
    So I arrived at the hospital at 10am shown to my room within 5 mins, it was very clean professional. I was told that I was next to go down. It went so fast. The nurse who booked me in Paul. He was just the best told me everything what to expect that it was about to be very fast moving from this point on.

    Then a nurse called Hannah come in gave me my glorious knee length socks which have to stay on for 5 days. And did a quick preg test withmy urine. Told me 3hrs after the GA if all was good I’d be on my way home. Mr Monuir arrived and marked me up and got me to sign the consent form. Followed by the anethatist who instantly put me at ease with the GA. Then that was that off i went. Cannula in and some pain relief in the tube then, asked if i wanted to do this still which i replied yes, off to sleep I go at 10.45am. By 12.00 I’m back in my room with my hubby and and extra 2 massive things stuck to my chest. Ive done it no more empty boobs. So I’m in and out of sleep but urged to sip water while I can and I’m on half hourly obvs. Then they fetch me food. Tuna mayo sarnie which i chose earlier. Atthis point i have zero pain. Just discomfort e dry now n then. The pressure
    Is much less than I thought, and the pain is none existant. Then the nurse paul comes to put on my sports bra. Being quite sporty I assumed a sports bra to be a sports bra over the head type thing. I urge everyone to get a zip up front sorts bra for after. I’m lucky I’m able to lift my arms, but I’m told not many can. So deffo this on your list of things. So 3pm comes and I get my party bag who h contains paracetamol ibuprofen codeine and antibiotics. I was advised to pop a few ibroprofen for the journey home.

    I’ve still been sleepy and slow. But feeling fine. And again no pain just as tho someone is sat on my chest. Minimal discomfort more when I move really. So a few days of bed rest and Netflix is in order.

    Becca 167

    So glad it all went well for you! I was also at Preston yesterday and my experience was exactly the same as yours. I was first on the list and in and out really quickly, all the staff were fabulous and so attentive, it really couldn’t have gone better. Hope you have a speedy recovery!

    Bethanii 2

    Ah hope you recover quickly too. Mind you I could get used to the hubby cleaning up after the kids for once while I just rest

    Becca 167

    Absolutely, just got to take it easy for now! I’m doing everything very slowly and building up my strength and confidence gradually. I can’t wait to be feeling a bit more normal again!


    So glad all went well Bethanii, how is your pain now? I love that it all went so smoothly for you, and you’re home in bed. I’ve ordered zip front sports bras already so I’m so glad I have now I’ve read your post, can’t wait to get them on with my boobies in them! How’s your size looking so far? Are you happy you went for the bigger size?

    Bethanii 2

    Yeah so far so good. My size looks massive. A good massive tho just really full and pert and not empty with what im used to. The pain has been minimal and the rest is boring me now I just wanna get up and back to it. But don’t want to do too much too soon so- saying that a little bit of make up n a brush to the hair makes a world of difference. Starting to feel much more human now. Already looking at bras online can’t wait to get measured when it’s all settled down x


    That’s amazing Bethanii, so pleased for you! Have you been advised to stick to bed rest? My surgeon has said no to that, although I’m to take it easy he would rather have me up out of bed. How long are you taking off of work, I work at a playgroup and I’m hoping to only have a few weeks off, I was asked how long I wanted my sick line for and said 4 weeks, I’m having 2 full weeks off work and then will be back for a couple of days in light duties then have holidays so almost 3 weeks off work for me. He said I’ll be a bit tight and stuff but hopefully the pain shouldn’t be too bad by then. It’s mainly paperwork I’ll be doing so shouldn’t be too bad I hope, have the line if I need more time though. I can’t wat for bra shopping too and mine aren’t even done yet, same for my holidays, cannot wait to wear a bikini with actual boobs for once in my life!

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