1 day post op 450cc over the muscle Dr Traynor Preston Started by: Leah

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  • Leah 5

    Ok so I had my op yesterday and just thought I’d give an update to how it went.
    So my admission time was 12.30 at Preston, hospital and staff are amazing, was shown to my own room and all my obs done pretty much straight away!
    Mr Traynor came to see me, I was scared meeting him again as he was quite school teacher type at my consultation, however he was so lovely, and made me feel at ease.
    By 2.30 I was down at theatre being put to sleep, which is great by the way, I loved it! ?!
    3.30 I was back in the room, awake with my new boobies, I couldn’t stop looking at them! ??
    I felt amazing, no sickness, wanted to eat straight away, went the loo, and pretty much was ready to go, however you have to stay for 3 hours after to check everything is fine!
    Half 6 they let me go with some painkillers and leaflets, the staff really are amazing here.
    By 8.30 I’m comfy on the couch, watching a film and eating Indian, no pain at all just tightness and slight burning!
    Woke up at 3.30 this morning to pee and wide awake at 5.30, I’m not a big sleep we anyway and was worried about sleeping on my back, however the v shaped pillow was a god send, this morning, I have a little tightness and burning again put no real pain! Hope it stays this way! Just thought I’d let anyone no who was booked in for surgery soon, I’m happy to answer any questions!
    Never been this happy with my boobs since before the kids came! ???

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Leah 5.
    Laura 6

    Leah you must have been in surgery just before me yesterday! I had 375 unders with mr Traynor. I was awake too at 5am today with some pain and swelling but now I’ve been up and walking around it feels a lot better! I’ve been the same ant stop looking at them! Have you been strapped?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Laura 6.
    Leah 5

    Hey Laura,
    I have strapping underneath my boobs, it’s a bit annoying but obviously there for a reason! How about you?? Mine just feel really tight and a little burning sensation, I really do feel great tho, apart from this cough I have developed, terrified of bursting my stitches from coughing! Hope your feeling good too xxx

    Laura 6

    Mine are strapped bottom and top. I looked like Madonna with pointy boobs ? I have just started coughing too. I’ve been trying to hold my chest steady when I feel one coming on so I don’t jolt around too much! After being up for a few hours now I’m a lot more comfortable than when I woke up. I think I’m going to try some ice to help with swelling as my bra feels quite restrictive but I’m sure I’ll get used to it x

    Leah 5

    Did you have unders? Maybe that’s why your strapped at the top too! Mine feel pretty swelled now, the right ore than the left so I’m gunna get some ice packs myself today too! I can’t stand the bra, feel so tight don’t they! Xx

    Hayley 48

    Leah I know this is random but I had Mr Traynor on the 10th and he used strapping at the bottom, are your own boobs over hanging the strapping. Mine are so far apart and hanging over the actual strapping itself. It’s the first time I’ve been brave enough to open my bra properly to have a look since having them done xx

    Leah 5

    Hi Hayley, the strapping is sort of pushing mine up, it’s just around the underneath of my boobs and stops by arm pits, there pushed quite together too! Did you have a natural gap anyway?? Xx

    Hayley 48

    Yeah it sounds like the same as my strapping, I just wondered if yours was similar to mine because it’s hard to see any shape to them at all at the moment with the strapping making my own boob hang over slightly. I do have a natural gap and got told that this wouldn’t change but my boobs just have no shape or anything xx

    Leah 5

    Have u got any pics?? I’ve just followed u on insta xx

    Hayley 48

    Yeah but it won’t let me upload. I’ll try and dm you xx

    Amy Hughes -1

    Late to the party. I was 11th at Preston with Mr Traynor too. I was the 1st patient of the day. 400/375cc HPO. Hope you’re all doing well xx

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