1 day post op- concerned about size Started by: Hannah Squires

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    Hey girls, I’m one day post op. I got 350cc high profile in my left and 290cc moderate in my left. I feel like they look really small though ? And the left one is rectangular, not round. Is this just because it’s only been one day post op? I’m getting really scared though because this isn’t what I wanted:( when I look at everyone else’s boob photos post op they look amazing:((

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    From the side, as you can see the one furthest away looks rectangular:(

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    Shannon 19

    At the moment the muscle will be tight and holding the implant tight down on your chest. Once the muscle relaxes, after a couple of weeks or so, the implant will drop and rounden as well as look bigger x


    Okay thank you for your help !!

    Missmac 8

    Hi Hannah
    Did you go for overs or unders?
    You are only 1 day post op so there are lots of changes to happen yet. They will change daily make sure you take photos each day to see the progress it really helps x


    Hey, I went for partial unders. Okay I will do xx

    Rebecca 17

    i had 350 cc unders and mine were like yours they were really tight im 3 weeks post oo amd they do look a bit bigger now and i love them they still need to do a bit more dropping and fluffing 😁 x

    Pink chick 32

    Hi Hannah, mine looked a bit like that to start, one more so than the other, the implant is still sitting very high just now giving it that square appearance at the top. It will drop down into its pocket as the weeks go on. One of mine is still slightly higher than the other but the shape defo improving.

    Chloe Jade 8

    Hi Hannah, I replied to your other post but here’s pictures to hopefully put your mind at east a little bit!

    Before – 1day post on – 3.5 weeks post op. I have the same implants as you.

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    Chloe Jade 8

    And 2 months post op x

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    Thank you so much for replying girls!! That’s made me feel a lot better. I’m now 3 days post op and it’s not as painful but my chest is soooo tight and feels like there’s some really heavy rocks in it 😂 how long did it take for this feeling to go away and for your implants to feel like normal boobs?

    Pink chick 32

    For me it took about 2 weeks for the tightness to settle down. I am nearly 8 weeks post op and they are definitely dropping and softer but still not normal yet, still too hard to squeeze together to get a good cleavage yet.


    Hey hun, I’m currently 1 week post op and felt mine were really rectangular 1 day post aswel. Took some pics yesterday and couldn’t believe the changes already.. so keep taking pics and trust the process here’s pics of mine from the side you can see already starting to look more natural hope it helps


    Here’s pics


    1week later


    Omg wow they change so much in a week! I’m now 4 days post op and just counting down the days until I’m a week post op 😂 pain is definitely a lot less, just feels uncomfortable and tight, but just gunna trust the process 👏🏼

    Caitlin 5

    How are you getting on now Hannah? My op was postponed because of corona I’m a 32a just now been offered 400cc unders hp but worries in case they’re too big or small I’m so petite but curvy on the bottom half. I’m still so uncertain


    I’m all good now thank you! Im so sorry to hear that, must be so annoying:( I’m so happy with the size. I’m only 5ft 3 and a size 6. 400cc does sound quite big but it just depends what look you’re going for. I don’t think they’ll look too big. Have you tried on any sizes ?

    Bre 3

    Hi Cailtlin. I’m having 400cc hp unders! What date has your surgery been changed to? I’m wondering whether to go for 425cc instead x

    Caitlin 5

    Hey girls!! It’s so frustrating, makes the nerves 100x worse 😫😫 I tried the 400cc on at my consultation and felt they were ok they didn’t look out of proportion. I also heard that under the muscle makes you loose a bit of size too. I’ve not got a definitive date yet because of corona😫 but I don’t think an extra 25 will be much Bree it’s about 1/5th of a tablespoon apparently. 400 is the biggest I could go.

    Caitlin 5

    So difficult deciding, it’s the most difficult thing ever. Really want to look proportionate.

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