1 day post opp. SCARED Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 41

    Everytime I sit up from bed it feels like I’m going to burst my stitches. A lot of pressure were incisions are. Is this normal? I’m scared xx


    Completely normal hun I was like this for the first week maybe it soon passed after around 20 mins but it was a horrible burning pain felt like my stitches was gonna rip open haha but yeah totally normal xx

    Charlotte 41

    Good! & Iknow I have to keep my support bra on for 6 weeks but can I take it off for a break at any point in the days? Xx


    I don’t wanna day you can if your not aloud if you get me haha but I personally after .y 2 weeks when I had my tape removed had the bra off for about 1hr through the day that was when I had a shower and got ready and it hasn’t affected them in any way I’ve got to wear my support bra for another 4 weeks to bed still xx

    Brooke 45

    I got sent home with no strapping and no post op bra as I was much bigger than I was meant to be! So I wouldn’t worry about taking it off for a bit here and there if they sent me home on the day of the op without one on a Sunday knowing I couldn’t get one until the next day! Xx


    If you had under the muscle I know your definitely fine to take it off. I had unders and took mine off for an hour every now and again when first had the op. They won’t go anywhere or move when under the muscle x


    I take mine off here & there for a couple hours in the day

    Plus I’m wearing the strap over a normal fabric bra cause I was so uncomfortable & the nurse today told me that was fine

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