1 day post opp, so sore! Started by: kaylee asbury

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  • kaylee asbury 16

    So 1 day post opp feeling tight and a little confused as nurse told me to put Macom bra over strapping for extra support, then on way home I had a call of pc saying I don’t need to where it as strapping will hold it. I think I’m just uncomfortable due to swelling. But looking down is ace I ha e boobies!


    congrats hun!!! and yeah first few days are so espesh the 2nd and third but itll pass and youll get used to it 🙂 im 1 week post op xxxx

    kaylee asbury 16

    As long as I’m healing ok I can deal with the aches and pains. @cassandra Chelton How do yours feel now? Did you keep your bra over strapping? Xx

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