1 DPO vs 10 DPO !! They will get better :) Started by: CharlotteTL

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  • CharlotteTL 22

    Hey girls….

    So this is the first day I’ve woken up and really been pleased with them 🙂
    The swelling is finally going down and I’m starting to see an actual shape to them!
    Just wanted to share this for girls in the early stages who are feeling disappointed with them. They change and get better every single day! 🙂

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    They look great
    What size did you have x


    Looking fab Hun! Crazy how they can quickly change Isn’t it! I’m post op day 13 and loving how much they have changed up to now! Xxx

    Elizabeth 13

    Charlotte you must be so pleased they are looking great. What size were you before and what CC’s did you have? x

    sabrina 92

    They look great Charlotte im just a couple of days behind you and still a bit swollen. What size implants did you have? x

    Jess 150

    They look great! Crazy how much they changed in just a couple of days, I’m POD2 but have strapping on for the week xx

    CharlotteTL 22

    Ah thank you so much girls!!
    I was on here on a different name and posted some photos but changed my profile details for privacy as previously I had my real name!

    Anyway… they are only 225cc ! I had the choice of 225 and 250 .. I wanted a reaaaally natural and ‘small’ breast implant.

    I was a 32 AA before and I guess I’m a small build although I didn’t consider myself to be until I had my consultation.
    I’m 5ft 6 and weigh around 120lbs

    I do wish I had 250cc instead tho!

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