1 week in and odd sizes Started by: Elli Gooding

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    I was just after some reassurance. I started with one boob bigger then the other, and ended up deciding on 300cc HP. Surgeon managed to do a brill job of minimum incisions by cutting 2 inches along the crease and resizing and repositioning the nipples.

    I’m one week post op today and so I saw them for the first time without dressings on, and the one that was bigger before, is noticeably bigger still, including the nipple size. I’m holding out hope that it’s because of the swelling, and the bigger nipple isn’t as round as the other so I’m wondering if it is down to it being more stretched and swollen, but I’m just feeling really down about it. Has anyone had a similar situation where theirs didn’t feel even, and then over time they evened themselves out? Pic in attachments.

    Staciie 4

    HI Elli

    I had a reaugmentation, uplift and wanted smaller nipples with Dr Giannas, which he did do for me.

    I am now one post op and I’m exactly the same!
    I have had a look a couple of times @ my new boobs and my left one is bigger then my right even though I had same size implants in both (450cc Ho unders) my nipples aren’t the same either one looks higher on the left then my right! I still have a a drain attached to me due to too much blood draining out but hoping to get this removed on Monday!!! Also steri strips along the incisions.
    So don’t know if it’s just taking longer to heal and die down with the swelling.

    I also have like little bulges at the bottom of each one! (You can see from pic! Hope that goes too! ?)

    How is it now still the same??

    S x

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Staciie 4.
    Staciie 4

    Won’t let me upload a photo for you to see.

    Staciie 4

    As you can see my right one seems to have dropped already compared to my left!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Staciie 4. Reason: Photo
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    Hi Staciie

    Thanks for your reply! I’m 2 weeks and 5 days in now, and mine have definitely started to even themselves out so I’m much happier. The bigger one must have just been more swollen. In your pic, yours look v swollen and bruised so I’m sure you’ll find the same, where they’ll start to even up soon. Hope you’re feeling ok!

    Staciie 4

    Hi Elli

    They don’t seem so swollen now as I had the drain finally removed Monday!!
    And already can tell they are settling better now! Can’t wait to have the steri strips off to see them properly!

    Glad you’re happier with how yours are coming along x


    Hi lady’s I hope you don’t mind me commenting I’m desperate to get a uplift with implants and a nipple reduction as the same as you but before I book a consultation (about a month) I would like to get as much info as possible which I have done but the costs! I understand everyone may differ but just a rough idea of how much yours were would so so helpful! I think I ready it’s against the rules to talk about costs on here which I only just found out but members have WhatsApp’ed regarding pricing. I would really be thankful if you wouldn’t ind sharing your experience:)

    Staciie 4

    Hi Leah!

    I had revision surgery so it was just the uplift I had to pay for… yes it’s different for everyone regarding cost but mine wasn’t the full amount as being a previous MYA patient.
    Sorry that doesn’t give you much info and help!… but it is worth it!!!! X


    Hi Staciie, mine are looking better and better each week, I’m so happy!!! How are yours looking? I can still notice a difference in size and also the shape of the nipple but there is the chance this one could be a little swollen still. In 5 weeks post op now.

    Staciie 4

    Hey Elli
    Yeah scaring is literally disappearing by the day the lines are so neat now and I’m 4 weeks PO today!!
    The left side is still a little higher and the nipple sits higher to the right so I’m hoping that will settle but other then that really happy!
    Would you mind posting a pic so I can see how well yours are looking?! X

    Staciie 4

    Also did you get told to put some sort of cream on them?! As I did!.. but I been using bio oil and it’s reallt helped the scars to heal quicker I think x

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