Just had my bandaging off- am so insanely happy even if they don’t look particularly natural right now!
I started out barely filling out a 32a and asked to be a full C. I reckon he definitely achieved that! Attaching a pic xxx
Fifth try!
Looking great Gabby glad you’re happy! Had mine off today too….I’m happy with the shape etc (got a bit of dropping to yet though so I’ve got a breast band to wear) I have a bit of a pain in my left breast though that I need to talk to them about! Xx
I was gonna ask about the breast band- I didn’t gt one and I don’t know why! How are your sutures?? Did you not get the chance to bring up the pain this morning? Xx
Hi just had my first consultation and got recommended your surgeon by my lovely co ordinator. How was your experience with him?? I am a size 34a and was thinking of getting 350 cc mod profile unders but was told this is huge? Looking how great you look I’m thinking she was right. You look fab
Thanks, Abi, I do absolutely love them! The surgeon is awesome but I would suggest you speak to him first, tell him the look you’re going for and what size you want to achieve and he’ll make suggestions. You’ll get to try them out too when you see him so will have a decent idea of what you’re going for. I was offered up to 325cc but really didn’t want it to be obvious I had surgery. I am really happy with this size though. Add me if you wanna see the pics before and after. I’ll keep posting them as I go along too xxx
And listen to Mr Marcellino when he makes a suggestion- he knows what he’s talking about!
Well as I’ve got one boob quite high up still and dr marcellino happen to come by so said for me to have one! If they said yours are dropping fine then maybe you don’t need one….I thought maybe the pain was from the strapping but seems worse now so hadn’t mentioned it! My incisions are fine, were yours? Back again next wed 10.30 to have the stitches out ? Abi I was 32b and size 8 dr marcellino recommend I didn’t go too big but we agreed on 350cc unders on the day! I’m v happy with mine (didn’t want huge) xx
Hey! Yours are amazing I’d be so happy with them? I had 325 cc unders earlier today. I can’t really see them
But they do seem kinda small to me? We’re you’re like this? Maybe I’m
Just over thinking I wanted to achieve full C maybe D. I also had marcellio he is a great guy xx
Emma, my incisions seem to be fine but I weirdly have 1 stitch on one side a 6 on the other! Don’t know how that works but I hope it doesn’t mean my scar will be worse on one side… I hope the pain gets better!
Aprille, mine felt small at the beginning too and I think a lot of people feel that way, but I think it’s cos they’re strapped down. After a while, and when they’re let out, I think most people, including me, are very happy with them! Don’t worry too much…
Mod+. Still have a long way to drop!!
Oh that’s great to see! I’m sunning to get either 275cc or 300cc mod plus x
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