Hi everyone!
So i am 1 week today PO
350cc, unders
So i have been so anxious and haven’t been off information websites and forums since having the surgery.
Basically my boobs feel very cone like, normal i know until drop and fluff stage. Also between my breasts are still extremely swollen like the skin is completely lifted of the chest and feels so weird… when will this settle?
So pain wise i am doing fine, the heavy sensation on my chest is still a bother but i am use too, however what concerns me is basically everytime i stand up and walk about i just feel so weighed down on my chest and the pressure is worse… when does this ease?! I hate the feeling i althought i do not go back to work until next weekend it is concerning me this feeling won’t have gone, and concerned i couldnt do my normal 13hour shifts… when will i feel normal 🙁
This topic was modified 5 years ago by Chloe94x 1.