1 week PO help Started by: Chloe94x

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  • Chloe94x 1

    Hi everyone!

    So i am 1 week today PO
    350cc, unders
    So i have been so anxious and haven’t been off information websites and forums since having the surgery.

    Basically my boobs feel very cone like, normal i know until drop and fluff stage. Also between my breasts are still extremely swollen like the skin is completely lifted of the chest and feels so weird… when will this settle?

    So pain wise i am doing fine, the heavy sensation on my chest is still a bother but i am use too, however what concerns me is basically everytime i stand up and walk about i just feel so weighed down on my chest and the pressure is worse… when does this ease?! I hate the feeling i althought i do not go back to work until next weekend it is concerning me this feeling won’t have gone, and concerned i couldnt do my normal 13hour shifts… when will i feel normal 🙁

    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Chloe94x 1.
    Gita 27

    Hi Chloe, what’s your stats and dimensions?

    And what implants, shape profile etc you had?

    Chloe94x 1

    Im 5ft 2, 56kg size 10. Previously 32A
    350cc mp unders

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Chloe94x 1.
    Heidi 217

    I can’t help too much on the other parts as everyone’s recovery is different and I didn’t have the same howeverrr do not worry about the cone shape i was so so worried about that, mine could literally take someones eye out for the first few weeks, it will settle do not panic xx

    Shannon 8

    For the first 4 weeks I found them heavy, thought they were gonna fall out of my skin when I leant over to pick something up off the floor etc
    I’m now 13 weeks post op and they feel a lot more normal and I forget they are there.

    Also cone like is completely normal x

    Emma 2

    I had 350 and unders I also felt like this it was terrible mine were so heavy I hated standing up felt like they were going to fall off sounds silly lol after the 3rd week I felt absolutely fine I’m now 6weeks po and pretty much back to normal to pains etc xx

    Chloe94x 1

    Thanks everyone! Getting easier day by day. Only thing now is sleeping. I slept so well first week, now however back pain qnd numb bum from back sleeping is a real issue 🙁

    Emma 2

    Chloe try and buy a electric heat pad for your back I used one just before I was going to sleep and it helped loads at my 2weeks po I mentioned not sleeping due to back pain and she said I could try sleep on my side but altinate a different side each night I did this for like 3days but then I was used to sleeping on my back at that point 😂🙈 xx

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