1 week post op Started by: Cheryl

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  • Cheryl

    So I can’t believe that I’ve had my new boobies for a week already, I remember sitting this time last week anxiously awaiting my 4pm admission time!
    Everyone else who is a week in how are you doing? My pain has definitely eased but I still feel uncomfortable and achey so am sticking with my painkillers until I run out. I still have a bit of bruising on the outsides but I don’t think I’ve any swelling. In the last couple of days I’ve been getting the odd sharp pain which feels like someone is stabbing me in the boob. Putting this down to nerves repairing themselves?
    I have my nurse appt next Tuesday so hopefully after then I will be able to lie flat as my back and shoulders don’t agree with me sleeping upright 🙁
    Is anyone back driving yet?
    I wore a different sports bra yesterday which is a 34d and it was still tight so goodness knows what size I should be? Have put measurements online and some say 32c, others 32d and I even got a 28f wtf?!?
    Really happy so far just can’t wait for them to settle 🙂 x


    Hiya I was a week post op yesterday, I’ve been laying flat a few nights now, I couldn’t take the sitting up right any longer. I drove to the shop and bk at post op day 6, was painful but bearable, and yesterday to dancing and bk. I’m just going to b using the car when it’s needed really try and stay out of the car as much as I can xxx are u enjoying your new additions? Xxx


    Im 5 days post op and havnt reli had any pain what so ever. Iv stoppedbtaking my pain killers too. Get strapping off tomorrow, thats the onky thing causing discomfort as its making me itch loads x


    Def enjoying the newbies but I’m feeling a bit more restricted than I thought I would be. Hubby went back to work yesterday and so in looking after my 2 year old myself on little sleep and it’s pretty draining!! Excited to see how they change over the next couple of weeks x


    I had the stabbing feeling in one boob around day 4 post op not nice! Lol I’m now 9 days post op feel amazing my incisions are itchy but that’s a good sign I guess and my backs screwed from sleeping upright I wake up at 3 am every single night in pain so I’m sleeping flat on back now just wish I could sleep on my side! Ages until I can but it’s the price to pay for new boobs haha. Can’t wait to go bra shopping and not need to buy the padded ones anymore yay x


    3am wake ups are same for me.! Sometimes I don’t get back to sleep at all 🙁 Bra and bikini shopping will be the best!


    Yeah me too I was up for an hour the other night! Yes will be so exciting:) x

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