1 week post op appointment – how long does it take? Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 16

    I’ve got my 7 day post op tomorrow in liverpool at 1pm & need to get a train up to edinburgh in the afternoon but struggling to estimate a train time i can get home for xx

    Emma 26

    doesnt take long at all hun, took maybe 20 mins max, they take your strapping off, assess your incisions and dress them if need be, take some after photos, sign some papers cant remember what they was i think it was if you was ok to give them permission to use the pics or not and then she asked if i had any questions and then i booked my 6 week check and that was that x

    Emma 16

    Thanks Enma! Got my train time all sorted to give me plenty of time to allow for traffic ect as well anyway xx

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