1 week post op appointment tomorrow Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls! Can’t believe it has been a week tomorrow. Goes incredibly fast and I went out the house today for the first time since last Friday. I must admit though, after a while I really needed to go home amd I slept for ages after, felt so tired. My incisions have been playing up all night especially on my left side, which seems to cause me more trouble than the right.
    Just wondering how long you girls took before you went back to work and before you felt ok for a full shift? I’m meant to be back full time Monday and I must admit I’m a little nervous, it’s a busy job and requires full concentration, after today I’m worried I can’t do that by Monday.

    At least tomorrow is my post op appointment with the nurse and I get to see the incisions, I hope they are healing ok <3 really worried about weqring a sports bra over them to come home, is it sore?? The covering I’ve got over them now is quite padded so Im conscious of the bra rubbing directly over the incision xxx

    Alex 119

    Good luck! Hope you love them 🙂 I’m not back to work until 2nd of March…Couldn’t face it any earlier. Xox


    That’s awesome! Ughhhh I Will see how I get on, but incision is really causing discomfort and I just don’t think I can maintain a 12 hour shift! X

    Alex 119

    If you give it a go and it’s too painful at least you tried 🙂 xo

    Vanessa 56

    this makes me panic
    after 12 days I HAVE to go back to work I cannot have any extra time off!
    and its a physical job!
    keep me posted on how you are getting on!
    cant believe its been a week already! :O
    thats flown yet my own count down doenst feel like it’s moved at all! haha xxxx

    Leigh 63

    Hey Jessica. Do you mind if I add you? I am having mine done with Dr Mounir, 7 weeks today! Can’t wait! Are you loving your new boobies?
    When you say your incisions are causing you discomfort, are they tingling with some sharp pains and itching? Could just be them healing. You will definitely feel better once you’ve seen the nurse and I’m sure, if need be the nurse will put a new dressing back on your incisions.
    Dr Mounir told me in my consultation that I should spend my days recovering walking around as this will help quicken my recovery. Maybe spend the weekend going for walks? It may start to encourage you to feel better for Monday back at work, even though 12 hour shift is a long day bless. Don’t do more than you can physically manage! xx

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