1 week post op….feeling down Started by: Nicole Newman

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  • Nicole Newman 13

    Hey girls. Promised myself I wouldn’t do this but I’m one week post op and feel really down. My boobs are smaller than I thought anyway. One has started dropping already and the other is high and tight. I know I have a long way to go but can’t help worrying. The boob that hasn’t dropped is painful when I breathe but overall I have been lucky with my pains. I’m also obsessed with infection and can’t help worrying about that ๐Ÿ™ xx

    Rose 19

    I’m the same Hun, I do worry about infection and complication,and stretch marks, but at the end of the day we wanted this. My left boob fluff a little bit than my right, my right boob still a bit high and get more pain than the other side. But they will heal differently I guess I’m Day 10 how about you?

    Kay 4

    I’m feeling the same, 5 days post op. Had my strping removed today and my left seems massive and low compared to my right which is high, hard & small. I’m just hoping they fluff out and straighten up. The nurse said she wasn’t worried but she also didn’t seem to think the size difference was noticeable and it really is to me, other people too. When I came home and shown my partner i didn’t tell him and he noticed straight away as well, he Keeps saying I’m going to end up on that TV programme botched bodies ? It’s strange though because all my pains seem to be in the left now, the first few days it was the right. I’m just glad I can drive again, lost so much weight this 5 days cos I couldn’t drive to get junk food ? xx

    Ani 9

    Nicole you are only a few days post op. Really you will see loads of changes and settling down over the next 3 or 4 months, sometimes up to six months. Don’t worry about one settling quicker than the other.

    Christine 14

    Have you got a pic?

    Nicole Newman 13

    Aw thanks girls! I’m glad it’s not just me. From the front picture they look awful but I like the side. I can’t block out the nips so sorry about this….


    Nicole Newman 13

    Try again

    Nicole Newman 13

    Won’t upload my photos

    Kimberley 2

    Don’t worry chick. I’m 9 days PO today & only this morning I’ve turned a corner with the pains etc, they’ve got better by about 50% suddenly just overnight!
    I also have one bigger than the other – but I find it’s more obvious & looks worse on pics. I’m adding my pics from today onto my profile, I’ve been worrying about not going big enough & being too small etc – but we have to be patient.

    Misia 54

    Ladies you all see your boobies I had my op las Sunday and have to wait till Wednesday for strapping off ๐Ÿ™ and this morning thought like I have temperature ๐Ÿ™ and if is temperature it’s mine is infection ๐Ÿ™ so yeah I think we all the same :)!

    Sinead-x 2

    I’m 11 days post op now babe and still having abit of pain. I think my boobs are too small also ๐Ÿ™ just a waiting game. Have to remember this is not the final result. We just have to be patient x


    Had my strapping off yesterday, I have added pics to my profile, still high, hard, swollen n my right is more swollen n uncomfortable than my left. Nurse said there might be a bit of air in it but that it will disperse on its own, I can take the dressings off on Wednesday n have a quick shower, off to the hairdressers today to get my hair washed! Now just to make sure the incisions heal well x

    Nicole Newman 13

    I’ve added pictures to my profile so add me as a friend to see! I know it’s a long process and still lots of healing just can’t help worrying xxx

    Abbie 13

    @nikkistephenson1985 and @nicolenewman93 ยทhope you don’t mind I’ve added you as I’m currently 9 days post op and interested in following people’s recovery and results x


    Hi I’ve accepted, what size did you have? Overs or unders? How’s your recovery? X

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