Has anybody has a burning sensation in the middle of your boobs? Like a sharp scratchy burn? I think it may be the skin stretching but it feels like the skin might actually rip. I’m in agony :'(
Is it not the nerve endings reconnecting? I get like a 2second electric shock kind of pain in different places on my boobs and the nurse said its just the nerves coming back together x
I had burning in between mine during the first few weeks, it’s nerve pain I think and also due to the skin stretching. It will pass lovely mine did, I am nearly 12 weeks post op xx
Thanks Ladies
I had a look where the burn/sting was and it and OMG it looks like my boob is sinking in :,( :,( could this be early rippling? I’m booked in for my one week check up tomorrow xxx
@juliem @kateh
Hi Ladies
I’ve not been on here for a while. It went really well she said it was due to the swelling and stretching and would settle down on its own, I’m nearly 3 weeks post op now and they are alot softer and it doesn’t seem as visable now but I can still feel a dent. I’m happy with them they look nice but one is still bigger than the other so I’m just hoping for the ‘drop & fluff’ to see what im left with xxx