1 week post op – what do you think? Started by: Mollie

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  • Mollie 21

    Hi! Just wanted to share you with my results so far. I had them done last Saturday with Mr Mashhadi at London Wellbeck.
    I had 300 in lefty and 325 in righty as I had one smaller than the other one. High profile over the muscle smooth implants.

    I know I have a long way to go yet but just wanted your thoughts on how it’s going? I was a empty 32b before surgery I’m hoping I’ll be a D with these? Excuse my lovely outfit… it’s best to be comfy 😂

    Mollie 21

    Try again with pic

    Mollie 21


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    Mollie 21

    Pic 2

    Mollie 21

    Try again

    Mollie 21


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    Amy 36

    They look really good! Don’t be worried if they are high/firm/one drops faster than the other.. it’s not an overnight process.
    I found taking a photo every week really helped to see the progress.
    So far they look really good though xx

    Amy 36

    I’m sure you will be a D.. I was a 32b and had 400cc unders.. I’m now a 34DD/32E if that helps xx

    Mollie 21

    Awh thank you so much! I think I’ll feel better when the tape has been taken off on Monday at my post op. Yeah that’s what I’m thinking of doing taking a picture every week. Cause I’ve seen so many say they get boob greed but maybe taking pictures will help me realise what I started with.
    Oh amazing that’s so good to know! I bet your so happy! How was your recovery?


    Hey Mollie

    They look sooooo nice already you must be so happy 💖😍💖xx

    Mollie 21

    Hey! OMG Thankyou so much!
    I think I’ll feel even better when I get my tape taken off tomorrow at my post op.

    Dee 16

    Hi Mollie.
    Looking good! I’m going to watch your progress as I am intrigued to see how you’re getting on & how you’re feeling throughout the healing process. As you know – I have my first consultation on weds so until then I’m still really undecided as to whether I’m doing this or not. I gave so many questions & need to see something like this to help me decide x
    Keep us posted x

    Mollie 21

    Hi @Dee
    Thank you so much!
    Oh yay I’m glad I can help you. Tomorrow I’m going back to Birmingham clinic for my 1 week post op appointment so Ill get my tape taken off. I’ll keep you updated.
    So far my recovery has been a good one. First 3 days I felt bruised, not in pain though. I’ve been doing more things for myself as the week has gone on too. Once I get that tape off tomorrow that you can see In the pictures I’m sure they’ll start to feel more relaxed x


    hey Mollie

    Yeah I was like that when I had all my strapping on I felt that the strapping was holding them down at the top and flattening them I did feel abit like 🤔 are these going to look right when they are off but could see the outline of the shape at the top so felt slightly better once the strapping was off at my 1 week post op I was like 😮 oooh la la lol they looked so much better xx

    Dee 16

    Hi Mollie.
    Are you supplied with pain relief or do you organise that yourself? When you say do things for yourself – what are you unable to do? Sorry – more questions I know?! 😬

    Mollie 21

    Hey Dee!
    They supply you with painkillers and antibiotics. You take 2 painkillers 4 times a day and then 1 antibiotic 3 times a day with food. But if you feel like the painkillers aren’t strong enough that they give you you can get your own. As my implants are over the muscle I didn’t have much pain at all.
    So your push and pull or lift heavy things or reach above your head for the first couple of weeks. But I’ve managed to wash up, sort washing out, put the cleaner round, tie my own hair up and dress myself at the end of this week so I’m happy with that. Making progress haha. Don’t say sorry for asking questions I’m happy to help xx

    Chloe 12

    Hi Mollie, I’m booked in with Mr Mashhadi next weekend. Did you have to wear a breast band or is the strapping enough for the first week? They look soo good, I’m glad I’m with him

    Mollie 21

    Hi Chloe!
    Oh how exciting!! How are you feeling? Honestly Mr Mashhadi is so so lovely he made me and even my husband feel so comfortable and confident. You’ll be more than fine!
    No I wasn’t given a band I think because I had overs so I just had the strapping tape and my surgery bra on. Thankyou so much I get the tape off tomorrow so I can’t wait for that! Xx

    Dee 16

    Sounds like you’re doing really well 😊 I work at home for myself so I’m pretty much sat at a desk all day. I’d hope I could still work. At least to take my mind of things during the day.
    Let’s see what Weds brings.
    From your experience so far – you’d recommend Mr Mashhadi yeah?

    Mollie 21

    Ah yes I’m sure you’ll be able to carry on working. I would say have the first 3 days to just chill if you can and want to. It does make you sleepy. Let me know how you get on on Wednesday! Would love to know
    And yes Mr Mashhadi was everything I could have asked for in a surgeon he listened to what I wanted to achieve made me feel comfortable and confident. My husband really liked him too.

    Dee 16

    Hey Mollie – how you doin?! Just checkin in to see how you’re feeling this week? x

    Mollie 21

    Hi Dee!
    Oh that’s so nice of you to ask I’m doing really good thankyou I’m not in any pain at all. I had my tape (that you can see in those photos) off yesterday. That didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.
    My nurse took it off nice and gently. I got to see my stitches too and they were really nice neat and clean and smaller than I thought they’d be! My nurse cleaner them and put two new dressings which are just like big plasters over both of the incisions and I feel great. After having the tape off I feel so free and able to use my arms more. My boobs are looking good too I’m really happy so far. They are still quite hard and tight but my nurse said that’s normal and now the tapes off they were begin to soften and drop. I’ve got two week post op appointment next Monday where she will check the stitches again and see if I need more dressings on.
    I will take a new photo on Thursday and post on here because then it’ll be a week apart.
    How are you feeling about tomorrow? X

    Dee 16

    Hi Mollie!
    It will be great to see your progress one week on from the first photos.
    Do you feel like time it going quickly or is it dragging? Obviously you are the one going through this, but I feel like its flown since you had your op!
    I’m mega nervous about my consultation – but I will keep you posted…
    EEEEEK!!! x

    Mollie 21

    Hi Dee!
    Posting picture below. I think my one has started to drop so that’s exciting!
    It’s going super fast I can’t believe it’s 2 weeks on Saturday!

    Mollie 21

    Week 2 picture

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    Mollie 21

    And another

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    Mollie 21

    Week 3. I feel like they’ve changed quite abit from last week. Still so happy!

    Mollie 21

    Second time

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    Dee 16

    Wow Mollie – you’re looking great!! They’re looking more ‘relaxed’ if that makes sense. (Is it just me or does it feel weird looking at all these boobs in such detail?!) 🙈
    I’ve never looked so closely as I have over the last couple of weeks doing my research & now all booked up. I do find it bizarre ha ha! 😆

    Mollie 21

    Hi @Dee !!
    Omg thank you so much! They feel more relaxed and not as hard which I’m really happy about! It’s so crazy how they change so much!
    Omg I know haha I feel like I’ve seen so many boobs these past few months that it just feels like the norm now 😂. How are you feeling about your future op? Xx


    Hey mollie yours look so good! My op is in a few weeks, I have to get 2 diff sizes as well 275/300cc I have chosen, I have been offered 300/325cc as well. I am a 32a right now. Not sure whether to chose the bigger size? Xx

    Mollie 21

    Hey @Jessica
    Thank you so much! I was the same 275/300 and 300/325 my surgeon ordered and I just emphasised on the day I wanted the 300/325 just so I know I went for the biggest I could. I always remember people saying go for the biggest your offered if you are worried about being too small. Are you going under or over? How are you feeling x


    Yeah I’ve seen loads of people saying to choose the biggest option, ideally I wanna be like a small d, I’m going over the muscle. Just excited now really want time to hurry up haha xx

    Mollie 21

    @Jessica yeah I’m glad I went over the muscle i hardly had any pain it was more discomfort than anything and the anti biotics making me sleepy.
    You should be fine with going over the muscle cause if you were going under they lose abit of projection don’t they. I bet!! It’s the best decision I ever made. Where are you having it done? X

    Dee 16

    Hi Mollie,
    I’m obviously feeling nervous but I am much more positive now & having spoken with Mr Mashhadi last week – he seems to know what he’s talking about & i’ve done lots of research on him & He is very highly praised & has lots of poise feedback & testimonials. I’m having unders so am expecting the worst as in recovery & pain wise but I reckon it’ll be worth it in the long run – so think i’m prepared to a certain extent. It’ll be just the not being able to lift weights & do my gym classes that I will find hard – but again with a bit of patience (which I may add I don’t have these days!) I should be able to do them again after some time out.

    Diane -2

    How are you doing now Mollie? I know it’s been a while since you had your op but I’m just looking into everything at the moment. I assume you’d recommend your surgeon? How come you had to go to London for your op? Did you go to Birmingham for all of your post op checks? Sorry for all of the questions

    Holly 16

    Hey Mollie. I’m booked in with Mr Mashhadi on 1st Sept. Not long to go now! Have you got any updated pics. I’m having 300/325cc xxx

    Mollie 21

    Hi girls!!! I’m feeling really good thank you to be honest my whole recovery time has been fine I was only in discomfort for the first couple of weeks.
    My boobs are now everything I’ve ever wanted and I’m so happy. I highly recommend mr Mashhadi he was amazing. Made me feel so at ease and knew exactly what he was doing. He was right with my sizing too he know what was right for me and my body. I went to London because I know it better than any other of the options plus my husband works in London so he knew where was good to stay etc and he drove me there and back easier. Yes I went to the Birmingham clinic for all my checks afterwards I just missed out on my last check as that’s when lockdown happened but I’m due to go back soon to get signed off. I will post a picture if it will let me any more questions please don’t hestite to message me I will answer as honest as I can 💗

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