10 days PO. New pics and update :) Started by: Christina

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    New pic added showing 10 days post op. had 400cc TRX overs from a 34A. Currently measuring around 34dd-e. compared to my 1 day post-op pic they look much better! One is still a bit behind, but I couldn’t be happier with the results! I’m now showering and sleeping relatively flat on my back (slight angle, only because I’m paranoid haha), I’m back at work (only part time because I’m a student, so not too bad), and only need to take pain killers in the morning. Feeling is coming back, but one of my nipples is still completely numb, and my ribs at the side are a bit sore, especially my right side which is a bit swollen. Other than that, recovery has been pretty smooth! Any questions, feel free to ask! Xx


    Hi hope you don’t mind me adding you I had 445cc tsx but had partial unders I was a 32a my photos won’t upload at moment from my phone so waiting for the laptop to be fix so I can put them on there and try 🙂 x


    Oh I’m 10 days post op today to x


    Hi Christina! do u mind if I add u ? Is my 10 days post op as well had 415 Overs, The feeling is coming back but my right boob is doing slower,l still like a rock.. cant wait till softer.Happy healing xx


    it’s always the right boob for girls haha – its my right as well thats slightly slower with the recovery. And yea, add away! x

    Misfion 3

    @Christina they are looking really good and settling well 🙂 You must be so happy!! I can not believe it has been 10 days – wowed! xxx

    Kate 26

    Do u mind if I add u Christina I’m having overs not sure what size yet though,going to arrange my pre op tomorrow for next week xxx

    Misfion 3

    Kate I’ve added you too so you can have a look at my 365 overs xxx

    Kate 26

    Thanks babe xxx


    hi do you mind if i add you i have just joined and im trying to decide on what size/get as much info as possible. thank you xx

    ducky01 4

    Hey lovelies, I’m 12 weeks p.o & although my right has softened quite a bit, it’s still firmer & higher than my left which of course makes me slightly paranoid as I’m 4months post op but I’m perservering until I see my surgeon next month 🙂 no point in worrying when you don’t know right? I’m sure they’re fine & probably just down to my active job, we’ll all get there just take its time, c’mon rightiessss xx

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