10 dpo 315cc motiva ergonomix dual plane. Hate my boobs!!! Started by: Mel

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  • Mel -3

    So i am now 10 dpo i know its still very early days but i am struggling to see how they are going to drop and fluff and look anywhere near what i had in mind it just doesnt seem possible. They are so small! I wanted natural but ive gone from having no tits to moobs what was the point in wasting all that money?

    Like how is drop and fluff going to change them? What can i realistically expect. Because currently im severely unimpressed

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Mel -3.
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    Elle 73

    You can see from the photo you still have a lot of swelling especially by your sternum, and your implant is still very high.

    Your implant is first placed in a pocket higher up, as your swelling goes down and your muscle relaxes the implant drops lower and settles to fill out the lower pole of your breast, essentially giving you fullness and a more round shape. At the moment your muscle is tight, and restricting the implant so you cant see a shape yet.

    The surgeons are good, but you cant expect instant results doll. I promise im talking from experience, you have to give it time & upsetting yourself looking at them in what some people call “frankenboob” swollen stage isnt going to help. I legit stopped looking at mine and took a progress picture once a week to compare because i was getting upset daily like you, im not just lecturing you promise.

    Im 4 months in now and i couldn’t be happier with them. Please give it time xxx

    Mel -3

    I have zero patience and keep worrying over every little thing. It does help to hear from people who have been through it though. Will just have to do what you did and not take pic every day coz im just upsetting myself.

    Charlotte 17

    I know It’s hard to hear but it’s a waiting game.
    I’m nearly 9 weeks post op now and they are only just starting to look more natural.
    I was the exact same as you at your stage but they seriously do change every week.
    I’m super happy with them now x

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Charlotte 17.
    Kristine 2

    Hello Mel. Could you please share with doctor did your work? Thanks

    Mel -3

    I didnt go with mya i just joined this forum when i was researching but everyone is so nice so i still post here. I went with Pall Mall Medical

    Vanda 11

    How are you doing with them now Mel? Are you getting used to them? Do you like them yet?

    Mel -3

    I think they are starting to change slightly they feel so small compared to what i expected/ wanted. They are obviously bigger than i had before but im quite disappointed with them at the moment 😫.
    3WPO tomorrow and still praying for drop and fluff to happen, they dont even look teardrop shape yet so know something else must need to happen bu patience is not my strong point

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    Lisa 2

    They’ll drop a lot you wait for six months time 🙌

    Mel -3

    Little update: im 4wpo and still waiting for them to drop and fluff, maybe when i have some lower pole fullness the shape will look better and potentially bigger. I see the surgeon for a review when im 6wp and hopefully get the go ahead to not wear my macom bra as much maybe when they arent being squashed 24/7 they will come out of hiding. Still unhappy, still impatient .

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    Genuinely, you need to be patient.
    I understand that we instantly want them to look as we had imagined however you must remember that your body has just been through some serious trauma and needs time to heal! I am almost 6 WPO and they look different every single day.
    Am I bothered? Not really, my body is doing AMAZING at healing after what it’s been through.
    Be patient, Rome wasn’t built in a day 💕


    Do you have an update? I think some people just take longer to heal than others, you’re still super swollen. They’ll look great, just wait!!

    Pippa 2

    Hey Mel- do you have an update?xxxx

    Lauren 7

    Hi I feel your pain. I absolutely hate mine and they look smaller than before somehow if that’s even possible? I paid for uplift and implants and I can’t believe the money I’ve spent. How are you finding them now?

    Kaz Wilks 41

    Hi Mel – how are they now hun? I hope you’re loving them now xx

    Lauren – when did you have yours done? Xx

    Lauren 7

    Sorry only just seen this Sunday 18th of December they’re not big at all can’t really tell tbh xx

    Kaz Wilks 41

    No worries Lauren!!

    Sorry to hear that hun… still plenty of time to drop and fluff though.

    have you got any pics you can upload? Xx

    Kaz Wilks 41

    Lauren – how are they one year on? Are you happier with them now?

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