10 month post op advice please? Started by: Lucy

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  • Lucy 1

    Hi girls, so I’m 10 months post op and have never been happy with my outcome. I was practically no size before, I was told teardrop unders would give me a natural look but be able to achieve the fake look with a good push up bra. I am unable to get a cleavage in any bra what so ever and they look awful in a bikini! They just sit there, I am able to push them together just not in a bra… I think it may be due to my gap, I can fit 4 fingers inbetween my boobs.

    I am so unhappy and feel like I’ve wasted my money. I have booked a consultation for 2 weeks time, do you think there will be any negotiation on price? I am wanting high profile implants and I would like bigger but happy to stay the same size if it makes the price less?

    Thank you! Xx

    Laura 143

    Do you mean that you are going back to the same surgeon or a different place? If you are going to your surgeon to say your not happy from your last op an it didnt meet your expectaions then the surgeon would have to agree a revison. If he did then that would usually be alot less im having revision which was free an i have opted to pay to have my implants changed so i have to pay for the implants as thats my decision. But obviouly thats still alot less than the originàl surgery. The size of the implant doesnt effect the cost they are the same price regardless of which size its only the different shaped implants that have a different price. If you are going to a new surgeon it will be more than the original surgery because its implant removal aswel as augmentation. Thats why im quite pleased that i have had the option to change mine now because if id done it in a few years id be paying a hell of alot more than i am now x

    Laura 143

    What size implants did you have? X

    Lucy 1

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    Yes it’s would be the same surgeon, is it not my fault though for choosing the wrong shape implant? I had 390cc! Gosh you’re so lucky I really hope I get the same offer xx

    Laura 143

    My revision wasnt to do with the size or anything my pockets need work so im only getting to change my implants because i asked to while i was being opened up anyway but yes iv been lucky that hes allowed me to do that. Im not sure how you will get on because yeah you did decide on the tear drop shape together so not sure if they will do anything without you paying again in full but its always worth a try. But the thing is would you be any happier with a different implant as the gap wont change an the surgeon will tell you that so realistically a new implant isnt going to give you more cleavage. They should be soft enought to make cleavage in a bra though so its strange that you cant? Are they still quite firm? X

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