11 days post op and feeling pain Started by: accountant84

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    My right boob hurts. Not the whole thing. Just a small spot on the breast. I’m worried that’s it’s capsular contraction

    Nips 2

    I don’t think cc can happen that quick can it?
    Are you sure it’s not from where your drains were inside as my Iight boob is reall sore and tender too x

    kathryn 1

    its normal to still get pain 11 days on, remember someone has been at ur boobs with a scalpel, they’ll still be healin, if the pain is really bad n ye start feelin sick, dizzy or ye get a temperature then ring ur nurse n they’ll proberly ask ye to come it so the can have a look at you, if ur really worried ring up tomorra x


    Hun, I am 17 days PO and my boobs are still sore, it’s natural, I know it’s frustrating but like Kathryn said, it’s only been 11 days, we’ve had major surgery! It does get better promise! Xx

    Lottie 2

    Mine was sore till 3weeks :-/ and didn’t soften for ages don’t worry!:)

    Stephanie -1

    That’s perfectly normal.

    Some of the nerves that have been cut are coming back to life. Some come back straight away, some take weeks or even months to wake up. I’m 6 weeks tomorrow and still get the odd area that hurts like a bitch for a while when it wakes up.

    If i run my finger along the underneath of my boobs i can feel small patches that are still numb and when each patch wakes up it’s a bit of a pain 🙂

    I was in pain pretty much all over for the first 17-20 days. Unlike some that say in 2 days they are fine. Some of us just ache more then others after the op. It’s not a bad sign it just happens.



    Does anyone feel like there nipples are sore? I’m 16 days PO and they feel sore x


    Hi accountant84, i’m now 13days PO,and feeling pain too,left boob is fine apart from the odd shooting pain and soreness around my incision,but my right boob is aching and sore and feels really heavy and tight,my left is starting to soften and drop but my right feels hard and still swollen.think it’s like the girls on here say we have to try and be patient with the healing process and expect to be uncomfortable for a while as everything recconnects.xx

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