11 days to go Started by: Katie

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  • Katie 3

    Feeling so excited now, literally cannot wait. Although I will be an absolute nervous wreck on the day!
    I’ve started taking my arnica tablets, been using stretch mark oil, stopped drinking alcohol. I’ve got my v pillow, pjs, nightgown, slippers, sports bras.
    I’m staying in over night so will take my phone charger, magazines, hair bobble etc. . Is there anything ive missed? Xxx

    Danielle 1

    Hi Katie.
    Good luck with you op!
    Can I just ask what is the arnica for? And the v pillow? I have my op in 23 days so just wondering weather I need these things!
    Thank you xx

    Katie 3

    Thank you. Good luck with your op too!
    Arnica is for bruising and swelling.. I was advised to take it two weeks before and two weeks after. I’ve got a v pillow as an extra pillow as i will need to sleep upright for a few weeks, so trying to make sure I’m going to be as comfortable as possible! Xxx

    Danielle 1

    Thank you! Ahh right ok no one mentioned this to me but sounds like a good idea I’ll have to get some! 🙂 xx

    KarinaC 10

    The boobie bible (on the left side of the home page) is very helpful with regards to what to buy, what to do and not to do etc. Good luck with your surgery ladies. Mine is only in December – still a while to wait 🙁 x

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