11th May – Preston Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 16

    Is anyone else up at Preston? I know @jessica2930 is but just wondered if they’s anyone else with the same date?xx

    Jessica 42

    30 days to go!!!!! I’m so excited now. Have you had your pre op yet? Xx

    Emma 16

    @jessica2930 i’m getting so excited! These ext few weeks’ll fly by! Yeah, had it on weds so just surgery to go now. Have you had yours?xx

    Jessica 42

    I was booked for yesterday, then today, now its Tuesday! When I paid the deposit to secure my date it seemed ages away, now its 30 days away I can’t believe how quick it’s gone. What happened in your pre op? Xx

    Emma 16

    @jessica2930 it’s absolutely nothing to worry about. Which clinic did you say you’re going through? I went to the Liverpool one. The nurse was called Angela, she was so lovely. Just lots of pre op qus & info on do’s & don’ts. Had to do swabs for MRSA testing, pre op photos & some more signatures just to confirm she’d gone through everything with me xx

    Jessica 42

    I’m with the Leeds clinic, I’ve so many questions to ask I keep writing them down. I’m not bothered about needles etc so not worried about the pre op or even the surgery, just the final results I’m anxious about. Xx

    Emma 16

    @jessica2930 no needles in the pre op anyway. Yeah, I just want to get it over and done with now & get on with healing! are you staying overnight when you have your op?xx

    Jessica 42

    I’m having an uplift too so having to stay the night. I’m thinking I’ll probably have a late admission time as they’ll want to get day cases done first. You might be all done by the time I get there! How far is the hospital from where you live? Its about 2 hours from where I am I think xx

    Emma 16

    @jessica2930 I kind of want as early a time as possible then I don’t have as much thinking time on the day – my friend that’s taking me might not appreciate at 7am admission time though haha! I’m really lucky, only about 20mins away so nice easy trip home for me. Is someone staying overnight with you?xx

    Jessica 42

    I’m making my own way there on the Monday then my partner will come for me on the Tuesday, saves him taking me there to drive back home then do it all again the next day. I have two children too so he needs to be at home with them really. Some girls are in and out in no time then others have such a long day, hopefully you’ll get your early admission and be discharged by early afternoon. Xx

    Jessica 42

    Surely we can’t be the only two booked in on this date? I’ve got my pre op tonight I’ll ask when I’m at the clinic. If it’s a quiet day I’m hoping I’ll get an early admission so I’m not stressing all day xx

    Emma 16

    @jessica2930 i was thinking that! My PCC said that may’s pretty much fully booked so can’t it just being the two of us! Xx

    Jessica 42

    I’ll still ask and let you know, I was under the impression it was almost fully booked back in February, as my op is classed as a major I had to pay my deposit straight away to secure the date. Xx

    Emma 16

    @jessica2930 how did your pre op go? Can’t believe it’s 3 weeks tomorrow!!! X

    Jessica 42

    All went well thank you, I took such a long list of questions to ask I totally forgot to ask if the day was fully booked. I can’t believe how quickly its come around, are you all ready? Xx

    Emma 16

    I didn’t take any questions! A load popped into my head at the end though so think i’ve got everything covered. So not prepped. Need to buy bras! I’m not sure i actually need to BUY anything else but getting a list of things to take with me together @jessica2930. How about you?x

    Jessica 42

    I’m really struggling with bra shopping, I think I’m just going to get a macom as I have no idea what cup size to buy for after. Other than that I’m pretty much ready, just need to get a v pillow. These 3 weeks are going to drag so much. Xx

    Emma 16

    @jessica2930 i’m avoiding buying a v pillow, we have so many normal one’s i reckon i’ll manage. I’ve bought a few in clothes sizes then the cup size doesn’t matter too much. Someone else suggested buying a couple of different sizes close to the date, taking them all to the hospital & then taking back the one’s that don’t fit. I really want one of the m&s zip front ones.

    Do you think it will?! The last 2 weeks have flown for me! Think, this time in 3 weeks we could be all done!!!x

    Jessica 42

    I went to M&S on Saturday and asked for some advise, as soon as I said I was looking for a post op bra for after an enlargement the woman looked me up and down like I was filth and wasn’t interested in helping me at all so M&S have lost my custom. I picked a couple up in primark yesterday and will get a couple more closer to the date and see which fit best. I thought from me booking my date (back in February) it would drag but its gone pretty quick I just think now I’m so excited time is dragging. It still doesn’t seem real. You’ll probably be done and recovering this time in 3 weeks but as I’m an overnight stay I’m not expecting to go to theater till late afternoon xx

    Emma 16

    @jessica2930 i’ve seen a few other people say that sort of thing about m&s. I can’t believe how poor their attitude is towards BAs. I just want admission time now so i can get my head around how my day’ll go! I keep going from excited to bot actually believing i’ve booked it!x

    Annie 4

    I’m in on the 11th at the London clinic?! What have you ladies packed or brought, I literally have no idea what to take with me or wear there or on way home!! You both sound prepared??xxxx

    Emma 16

    Hi @annie22 hope you don’t mind the add?! We’re starting with similar height/weight stats! I’ve now bought a couple of bras but that’s about it. I’ve got a list of stuff to take –
    Dressing gown
    Cereal/protein bar
    Phone charger
    Sports bras
    Pj shirt
    Slip on shoes
    Face spritz
    But i’m sure i’ll be missing something or i’ll forget something on the day! How long ago did you book?x

    Annie 4

    Hi Emma, thanks for the add! Oh do we? What size implants are you having?? Wow I need to get organised, everyone seems much more prepared than me, but I’m defiantly gonna steal your list ha! Erm it’s all been really quick for me my 1st concentration was 3weeks ago and in 3weeks time I have my op!! So excited but getting really impatient now!! How long have you been booked for??xx

    Emma 16

    @annie22 I’m having 325cc HP unders from a smallish 32B. How about you? Haha, steal away! I don’t think i actually need to buy anything else that’s on it so less stress from that i guess. Who’s your surgeon? I book at the beginning of feb so have been waiting a while already!x

    Annie 4

    I’m having 250cc hp it’s the biggest I could go as my chest stick out I’m going from a 34a/b so hoping it will still have an impact!! Yeah i imagine it’s nice to know your sorted and ready!! I’m holding off to get things sorted else Il just be to excited to quick! 3 weeks seems ages ha! Erm it’s a lady I cannot remember her name, how bad

    Jessica 42

    @heidianne14 Emma is at Preston on the 11th too. Xx

    Emma 16

    @heidianne14 it won’t let me accept your friend request 🙁 no idea why xx

    heidi 32

    @emvh still not letting you hun? We’re u in Liverpool mya on Wednesday? I was there in the waiting room till about 2.20pm. ..I’m sure I saw u. My hairs blonde now…not red like my profile pic.xxxx

    heidi 32

    @jessica2930 @emvh are you both with Dr mounir on the 11th too? I know we’re all in Preston on the 11th but was just wondering if we were all having the same Dr too?xxxx

    heidi 32

    Ahhh @jessica2930 just seen from your profile u have Dr mounir too. Xxxx

    Jessica 42

    Yes @heidianne14 we’re all with Mr Mounir. I really liked him I’m happy with everything he’s offered me so just can’t wait for the day to hurry up now. I wonder how many of us are booked with him that day xx

    heidi 32

    @jessica2930 yeah i really like him…Straight to the point and really made me feel relaxed as i was so nervous before going in.Wwwww who will be first I wonder?guess we will be able to tell once we get out admission times 🙂 I saw on here earlier that someone having their op on the 8th of May got told their time today…so im hoping we get told on Tuesday…..fingers crossed.xxxx

    Emma 16

    @heidianne14 it wouldn’t let me earlier – just wasn’t showing a request when i clicked on the link.

    Yeah Mr Mounir as well – wasn’t me on weds, was a few weeks ago now the last time i was there. Have you had your pre-op? Are you staying the night?xx

    heidi 32

    Ahhhhh right. No I’m having my pre op on Tuesday, I only Met and booked with Dr mounir on Wednesday….think it was a cancellation. No I won’t be staying the night. Just waiting for that email to let us know what time….arrgh!!!xxxx

    Jessica 42

    @emvh @heidianne14 do you both have WhatsApp? I’m going to inbox you my number we can keep in touch on the day a little easier then. I’m like a kid at Christmas just waiting for this email with our admission times xxx

    heidi 32

    Sent u a msg @jessica2930 really hope we find out today!xxxx

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