Looking great Hun…xxx
How are you finding the recovery? I’m getting nervous about how long it will take me to get bk to normal thanks xxx
Jen my recovery has been great! I painted a whole room in my first week and then another In my second. After the third day I was picking my son up normally and doing things round the house and driving, Don’t understand people who say they can’t even make cups of tea haha xxx
They look great! I’m glad you had a good recovery! @simplyjen1989 my recovery hasn’t been quite as easy! I had my operation on Thursday and was in quite a lot of pain from day 2 until day 5. Today I’m feeling much better but still, it’s best to be prepared for the pain! I felt surges of pain rush to my boobs everytime I stood up and sleeping almost impossible! Xx
Ah no suppose we are all different after all. I’m not saying I wasn’t in pain but it’s definitely bearable. I took all the pain killers too. Think I was expecting it to be like having a c section and it’s a walk in the park compared to that. Suppose it depends on your pain threshold too. Yep sleeping wasn’t great sat up but I’m on my side now and have been for a week. Bet it’s not nice been able to hug your kids though
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