12 days post op and I’m doing everything!
Day 2 &3 was really painfull day 3 evening started come round was driving that night .. day 4 went shopping by day 6 had shower and sleeping back on my side! I’ve had no pain since day 6 after strapping off just back to my self!
I think I’m
Doing to much? I’m lifting things sleeping on my side , I keep forgetting had this done no swelling anymore no pain my incisions look really faded already looks good! I was back in
Work Monday and I’m doing everything as before! I can’t believe how easy this has been :)) 2 days of pain bad but rest like never happend now so
Happy 🙂 x
Sleeping upright isn’t because of the pain it is because of how the implants are settling. I’d definitely go back to sleeping upright as you dont want your implants to both settle in sideways hun 🙂 x
Ive been the same. We are so lucky to have such quick recoverys!! First 2 days i was in pain then literally been doing everything myself since. My partner took 10 days off work to luk after me & i wish i had of milked it now haha. I’m sleeping on my side, lifting my little girl, doing housework, walking everywhere. Just feels like theyv always been here.!! I don’t think ur doing 2 much. If u were ur body would let u know. Did u have unders or overs? Xx
No I told my nurse on 6 days started going on my side she said swelling gone down it won’t do anything to them only if go on front!
I had unders 🙂 I know day 2 and 3 couldn’t even change my self thought what have I done by day 4-6 been lifting my son to and driving lifting everything! Moved my house around at day 9! No pain atall we are so lucky! Can’t deal with pain lol 2 days was enough for me!
Ye that’s what I think I would know if doing to much!
Really rhink
Could start back gym
Today lol not going to yet thou! How many days are you xx
I was told by nirse and surgeon to not sleep on side untill 6 weeks as it may affect the implants and how they settle xx
Thats prob why mine are overs xx unders are supported by the muscle x
Im glad your recovery is so good. I wish mine was like that im 10 days and i feel terrible in pain can barely do anything xx
Told my nurse on day 6 started going on side she said it’s fine won’t make difference only if on front :/
Told my nurse on day 6 started going on side she said it’s fine won’t make difference only if on front :/I have had unders I’ll
Try stay on my back because all swelling gone no pain keep forgetting :/ ah so
Sorry hear that! Everyday will get better thou xx
Oh yes I’m having overs so may be why I have been given that advice 🙂 Good luck hun really glad to hear how great your recovery is! xx
Glad your recovery is going well Hun I’m the same it almost feels like I never had them done and they always been there. Bet you want wait to do some bra shopping! Next 4 weeks will fly by to your 6 week check.
Yeah i had unders aswel which is meant to be a more painful recovery. I think if we had of had overs we would of been shopping the same day haha. I’m 19 days PO now. Theyv dropped & softened. Have urs started to yet? Yeah 2 days was enough for me aswel felt like death.. So tired & uncomfortable i couldn’t dress myself eiva. Aww I’m so glad ur recovery has been easy i hope it carries on babe xx
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