13th Jan 19 Dr Sleiter London – My Journey Started by: Monica

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  • Monica 122

    Hey girls

    Had my op yesterday, admission time 10.00am, was taken to the theatre around 12.40.
    Wasn’t scared or afraid, totally relaxed and I think that helped a lot. Plus, got so many useful advices and info from you all.
    Nurses were great and helpful, staff in the theatre the same, trying to talk to me and keep my mind off the whole thing but seriously, I just wanted to lie over there in peace and have everything behind me.
    I woke up after 2.20, without feeling sick but sore and shivering. Spent some time in the recovery room, was given sth for the pain and taken back to my room.
    I could feel everything unfortunately but managed to nap on and off. My blood pressure was checked like 5000 times what didn’t help with my relax but that’s the procedure they need to follow. Dr Sleiter came to see me and assured everything went okay. He was very nice. Afterwards the nurses insisted that I need to empty the bladder and have toast with drink but I didn’t feel like anything. I was so sleepy that most important for me was just to close my eyes and stop shivering. But anti pain medication I’d been given before, started to work and I was more conscious and eventually had a look on my boobies. First thought – omg they are small and swollen on the top. But wasn’t bothered that much as I knew they would change.
    After emptying my bladder, Dr Sleiter popped in again asking how I’m doing, shook my hand and wished all the best.
    I was discharged after 7pm.
    In the nearby hotel where I stayed overnight , had to take 2 pills again before sleep at 10pm as the pain was back. You literally feel like an elephant sits on your chest, you can’t breath fully, and speak without taking breaks after each spoken word. But that mostly applies to lying position.
    First night wasn’t as bad as I expected. Waking up several times of course and trying to find the best position but the pain was mild and I could sleep.

    I’m the morning today I was so stiff that it took me a while to get up but walking along the room helped a lot although I was and I am shivering every time I stand up and walk or remain in a standing position. But pills I was given are magical and help me to relieve the pain.
    I also managed to take off my bra for a few mins to let my beasties breath and to adjust their position in the bra as they were squized all night after the way my nurse tucked me into it in the clinic. And I have to admit they are much bigger today. But still, I’m not getting used to them as they’ll be changing.

    I’m on the train now, going home. It’s not comfy and a wee bit bumpy but I put my jacket  under the boobs so they can stay still and are not affected that much by all the movements.
    I have to say I feel much better and not that sleepy today but I’ve got a long way to recover fully.
    Hope it will be just better every day from now on ?

    Will keep yous updated ?

    Monica 122

    1st photo – couple of hours after the surgery
    2nd & 3rd – 1dpo, getting there

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    Kylie 29

    They look great already. So glad everything went well for you Monica, hope you have a quick recovery x

    Sophie 69

    Hi lovely!
    So glad your day went well! Glad I wasn’t the only one who had to take breaks whilst saying sentences. I felt so silly trying to talk to people haha! Sending you happy healing vibes! Are you wearing a breast band? Xx

    Monica 122

    Thank you girls ?

    They are still swollen and quite high but I love them already ?

    Haha, I phoned my mum Sophie and I sounded like after a good marathon I’ve been at ?
    But today is much better.
    No, I wasn’t given any band which was a bit surprising tbh….

    Ruth 116

    Look amazing already Monica ? glad you love them xx

    Sarah 45

    Look amazing hun what size cc did you have xx

    Monica 122

    Ruth ❤️❤️❤️

    Sarah I had 400cc unders.

    But now after Sophie mentioned breast band I’m thinking why I didn’t get one.. What’s the rule that one gets it and the other one doesn’t? X

    Sarah 45

    I was told that my surgeon Dr Mahdi doesnt like to use them so i think it depends on what surgeon you have xx

    Monica 122

    Oh, that may be the thing then. I remember asking my surgeon about the bands while we were having our consultation and he said everything will be provided if needed so either he didn’t like to use them in my case or he doesn’t like them at all.
    Thank you Sarah ?

    Gemma 25

    Wow looking good already Monica!
    Thank you for telling us your day really helps and love to hear what to expect! I’ve got mine booked in for Monday can’t wait! X

    Becca 168

    Monica they look excellent! Congratulations! I’m so glad it all went smoothly for you! I remember the shivers when waking up – it was strange because it was only my legs shaking, but they didn’t feel cold at all, they actually felt really warm! I also remember the breathlessness when speaking at first, but that goes away quite quickly. I’m glad your pain was manageable and you were able to get some sleep.


    You look really good Monica are you happy with them? How are you feeling now? What size did you go for in the end and we’re yours over or under the muscle?

    Monica 122

    Thank you Gemma ?
    Will try to update the progress over days/weeks.
    Fingers crossed for your op! Can’t wait to see your results. What are you going for?

    Thanks Becca, still swollen and in weird shape haha but I’m not disappointed. Can’t wait for them to heal completely. It’s just the bra that seems so tight for now. I try to remove it once a day to let my boobs ‘breath’ but I don’t know whether I should?
    I can only control the pain with Co-dydramol and I have to admit, today morning was worse than yesterday.
    I’m shaking all the time after standing up and moving around even if I’m not cold. Don’t like this feeling.
    So yep, managing well I think ☺️

    How are you feeling Clemency? Are you happy with your results?
    I had 400cc unders and I think they will be what I wanted to have. But solid hard rocks now haha xx

    Becca 168

    Aw, the swelling, tightness and general weirdness will improve so much every day! The hardness does take a little bit longer. My bra was very tight at first, too – I had to wear it on the loosest hooks and even then it still felt like it was crushing my ribs. After a couple of weeks I could wear it on the tightest hooks again and by then it felt like a perfect fit. I think short periods of relief from the bra are okay, but not too often or for too long and only when you are at rest, so sitting down still. I hope the pain will start to ease for you soon!

    Monica 122

    I wear it on the loosest already and it’s still very tight but I do understand it’s how it has to be at the beginning.

    I usually do it only for 5-10 mins after the whole day when I’m already lying in bed. Such relief but a pain to put it back on again.
    Anyway, thanks for all your advices Becca ?

    Becca 168

    I think that 5 – 10 minutes is just enough to give you some kind of break from that crushing feeling – it’s worth it!

    Gemma 25

    Hi Monica im going for 375 unders with Dr Mounir at Preston! I’m currently ill with bad throat and ears- hoping this goes as don’t want it to effect my surgery or worse make me have to post pone I’ll be gutted! X

    Monica 122

    Hi Gemma.
    You still have a few days left till your surgery, you should be fine. As long as you don’t have a high temperature, they shouldn’t reschedule your op.
    I know you are not allowed to take any medication now but paracetamol wouldn’t make a harm if needed.
    I really hope you’re going to get better very soon cuz going through the recovery with a cold wouldn’t be pleasant at all.
    Fingers crossed Gemma xx

    Gemma 25

    Hi Monica, I’m on paracetamol and codeine for the pain but did ring mya and they said codeine fine as that’s what th send me home with! I have 4 days left hoping for a miracle I think to get rid of this ear ache had it since last Monday but fingers crossed like you said! My temperature has been fine so that’s good to know thank you xx

    Becca 168

    Get well soon Gemma!

    Monica 122

    You are going to feel nothing than better now Gemma!
    Keep us all informed xx

    Gemma 25

    Thank you ladies will do x

    Monica 122

    Hey girls ?
    I’m oficially 7dpo today, can’t believe it’s been that long. Had my post op check up yesterday and everything seems to be fine, both incisions look okay but the cut under left boob is still open so the nurse put antiseptic iodine strips over both of them to let it heal. I need to remove it on Wednesday/Thursday and then I’m allowed to shower – yuppie ?
    My right boob is softer than the other and dropped a bit while her sister is still stubborn but that’s normal. They both need more time anyway.
    I fell much better, stopped taking ibuprofen yesterday and managed to tidy up the house today. Still of course I’m imited and can’t lift most of the things around but I’m getting there ?
    Days 2 and 3 were a bit tricky to handle, I have to admit it but I hardly remember it now ? I’m just enjoying the free feeling that my whole chest is not going to burst.

    Monica 122

    Photo 7dpo x

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    Ruth 116

    The difference 7 days makes they look so good Monica. Glad your pain seems to have improved nothing worse than being in pain xx

    Monica 122

    Thanks Ruth ?
    Great to hear your recovery was smooth and easy ?
    I’m not too bad at the moment, trying to get back to my mini routine although I get tired very quickly and a slight pain catches in the evenings. But I survived the first week, now it should be just better every day xx

    Ruth 116

    Thank you, I was really fortunate I wish it was as smooth for everyone. Nice to hear your pain has eased from what it was. Each day you should hopefully see improvement no matter how small you’ll be back into your routine in no time ? xx

    Alex 15

    They have changed so much in a week. They look fantastic… you must be so pleased!

    Monica 122

    Thank you Ruth. I’m really looking forward to it. I wish same to you ?

    I like them already Alex plus I know they’ll be changing all the time what makes this stage really exciting. Can’t wait for the final result! They are bigger than on the first day so I hope it is going to stay like this xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Monica 122.
    Gemma 25

    Hi ladies, just a quick update. Had my surgery today – got over my illness and was all good to operate on this morning!
    Had 375 in one and 400 in the other. Very please with them surgery went well was first on the list so bonus! Now just recovering back in the hotel – not in too much pain now but was when first come round but keeping on top of the pain relief. Will try post a photo xx

    Gemma 25

    Few hours after surgery.
    Sorry no idea how to upload ? just keeps saying error!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Gemma 25.
    Monica 122

    Hey Gemma!
    Great to her you’re already after the surgery and doing well. Good to be first on the list in order to be discharged earlier.
    Glad you’re happy with your boobies. That’s the main point which should be fully accomplished.

    Your photo is probably too big. Try snapshot or reduce the size via app xx

    Gemma 25

    Oooo thanks Monica I’ll try screenshot first then download an app if that don’t work xx

    Gemma 25

    This was a few hours after surgery. X

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    Monica 122

    Looking very good already ☺️ no weird swelling after the surgery ☺️
    Hope tomorrow is going to be similar like today with no extra pain.
    Wish you quick recovery! Xx


    Hi Gemma and Monica, how are you both doing? I had my op with Mr Sleiter on the 24th. 375cc overs. I’m feeling really good already, was expecting to be in so much more pain than I am which is a bonus! The main pain I’m getting is in my bum from sleeping sitting up!!! How are you both coping with sleep? X

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    Monica 122

    Hi Jenny! Looking so good straight after the op! I’m doing fine, thank you, the pain is nearly gone, I can just feel it in the muscles if I’m overstretching or stupidly pulling sth plus the incisions are not fully healed and I get sharp pain in there but generally I’m doing well.
    I’m still swollen and my left boob sits higher that the right one. Can’t wait for them to drop.
    Sleeping is good I would say but I wake up at night if I’m not comfy and my bum is sore too ? it’s actually flat already ?

    Glad to hear you’re not in much pain, overs are usually easier to handle and less painful.
    Hope it’s going to stay like that. Wish you a speedy recovery xx

    Daniella 21

    Hey Monica, do you have a photo of your pre op boobs? Look great, glad you’re pleased

    Monica 122

    Hi Daniella, so sorry for a late response but this post just slipped down and I’ve never noticed your message. Yep, will post sth now xx

    Monica 122

    Before, 14dpo and today (17dpo)

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    Elle 81

    They look amazing Monica!! So lovely xxx

    Monica 122

    Thank you Elle ? They’ve changed so much since first day but I’m patient with their progress its a very slow process xx

    Ruth 116

    Monica ?? they look amazing, they’ve really changed so much since your first picture on surgery day xx

    Monica 122

    Thanks love ? I hope that the next photo in a few weeks will show them already nicely dropped and fluffed xx

    Ruth 116

    You’ll have a bloody amazing boobs when they’ve finished dropping and fluffing ? xx

    PerkieDs 12

    Hi guys

    have seen this forum and had to comment. all your results look so good

    i am 9 days post op had 350cc overs high profile.

    anyone who has had overs do you think as time goes by they fluff out

    Monica did you get high profile implants.

    how are they looking now? do you see changes all the time

    good luck with recovery guyd

    Monica 122

    Hi Perkieds,
    I had HP unders so can’t say much abt overs but I would say that both would make boobs drop and fluff the same way. Unders sometimes take longer to heal though but they look more natural.
    I do see changes since my fist day, they became rounder but still left one is more swollen and sits higher than thr other one.

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