15 months po – boobs still quite firm… Started by: jellybean13

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    Hey ladies,

    I was just wondering if anyone else that is a around 1 year po still has quite firm boobs?
    I had 380cc unders from a 34a and they look great but they have always been quite firm. Not having any boobs before hand i dont really know what big boobs should feel like lol
    They dont hurt, and they look normal and i can squidge them a fair amount, but i still dont think they feel really how natural boobs would. I watched that horrible botched bodies last night and now im worried about CC!



    Hi babe cc comes on 3 stages your boobs should feel soft not hard! The best thing to to is get it checked out ! Xx hope this helps


    Thanks, Yes i have left MYA a message to book in for a check up.
    They are very soft underneath, i am wondering if it is just because they are under the muscle that they are not too jelly like haha


    Oh dear I watched that too made me squirm then she had he problem with her leg after too poor thing her boobs look muched better after but I didn’t think much of them but they were done on the nhs !my implants are still firm I’m nearly 6 months po x


    i know! i didnt even know about that leg thing after surgery!
    Ive been massaging mine loads this week and they are actually feeling pretty good. I think i was just having a 5 min panic after watching that haha.
    What size did you have before and implant size Kirsty? From your pic they look amazing! x


    Jellybean!! Hiya 🙂
    My right boob is sooooo soft and squishy, it feels natural but my right is still quite firm!
    I hope it’s normal and will settle, I also worry about cc. xx

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