16 Days Post Op… How are you girls sleeping?! Started by: Amy Parren

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  • Amy Parren 38

    Hey girls! I’m 16 days post op and still sleeping with my V pillow but I’m getting so uncomfortable now and waking up nearly on my side. How are you all sleeping? Is it 6 weeks until we can sleep on out sides? I don’t want to do any damage 🙁 xx

    Nicky 29

    I was told to only sleep prompt up for 10-14 days while the swelling reduces, so I’m sure you can sleep flat now ? on side I think is 4 weeks? I’m on 3 days PO and my back is killing me ?? can’t get comfy at all

    Harriet 88

    Hi Amy,
    omg sleeping is the bane of my existence. I dread going to sleep every single night 🙁 I’m 17 days post op and I’m soo uncomfortable. I’m now lying flat on my back which is what we can do from 14 days, but it’s so uncomfortable 🙁 You’re not allowed to sleep on your side until 6 weeks and I want to sooo badly because I only ever sleep on my side, which is so annoying. I’m so sleep deprived now, I swear I’m so moody lol xx

    Harriet 88

    It’s definitely 6 weeks until you can start sleeping on your side – I checked with MYA yesterday because I was so desperate haha

    Amy Parren 38

    Oh girls 🙁 thank you all for replying! I keep sneaking over during the night and puttig my arms above my head! I don’t even realise I’m doing it. I’ll try laying flatter tonight and see how I get on. @Nicky I feel for you! My bum was so so numb to start with it was the worst! X

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