175cc or 200cc before and after please Started by: Amelia

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  • Amelia 6

    Hi, I am a 32B now and I just want a really natural look, I think I’m getting high profile partial or overs as I have enough breast tissue. Does anyone have any before an after pictures please, my worry is I don’t want to go too small but then again I’d rather be too small than too big for my frame.

    Help please. Xx

    Ruby 12

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    Hey girl, I’m not sure how lucky you’ll be finding pictures of this size as I have scrolled quite far down the forum myself and haven’t seen any like this recently – the smallest size I’ve seen is 240cc (she looked great!). I think your best bet it typing 175 or 200 into the search bar to see what comes up from longer ago xx

    Amelia 6

    Thank you Ruby! Yes I haven’t seen anyone go that small. Will try and do that now. Thank you for your help xxx

    Kate 7

    If it helps I was a 34b and last week had 225 and 275 (one bigger than the other) Mod profile partial, I haven’t dropped or fluffed but would say 200cc to make a difference as 225 so far isn’t a massive change but I’m fuller 🙂

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