18 and having an uplift, scared. anyone had one? Started by: steviestevie

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    I’ve realy had a complex about my breast since I can remembe. I’m a 36G and they arn’t as “pert” as I would like. I have considered this surgery for quite a while and I just wanted to know peoples views on my age and this surgery.
    Comments appriciated :)
    Thanks xxx



    i dont really no anything about this type of surgery however i have had breast enlargement and i dont think age is an issue as long as your positive. im 19 and had wanted this for a while. hope everything goes well for you.



    ive just had an uplift 19th sept ask me anything thats bothering u.xx


    I know that I realy want one because it’s an issue that’s been bugging me for a while. The only thing that is a problem is the money. I know it’s going to be quite expensive and because I’m young I don’t want to regret it. Can I ask how much ( or round about) it costs, I know it probably varies per client.
    Plus, I havn’t told my parents so I don’t realy know how I am going to go about with the procedure.
    And, I’ve heard you can have it on the NHS, does anybody know about that?


    Hi Polly,

    What size were you? Im looking to have a reduction and uplift, im a 34G but still want to remain a decent size i.e. 34 E or thereabouts but its the lift that is the main but to do this they said i need a reduction, what is the scarrng and recovery like also?



    Im only 10days post op i feel fine ive got 3 kids so im not exactly resting!!Scars &will b honest at first i regreted having it dun but the surgeons secretary had the same 2yrs ago&she showed me her boobs they were great just a fine white line down the front.I had to have 260cc in one&280 in the other as mine were odd my little girl breastfeed from the one boob so they looked awful!I wanted a full c cup pretty much wot they looked like in a padded bra b4 but wanted them to look like that naked if u see wot i mean?I felt like i didnt have a glam boob job more like reconstruction surgery!He had to take some boob away from the rt one&re site my nipples too!I know i will love them wen they settle im not wearing any support just a crop top&they stay were they r!!Its not that bad honestly just pulls a bit at the mo&my ribs r a bit sore still the worst is in the morn until u get moving it feels a bit tight.But good advarntages of uplift is they will never sag!!Keep asking stuff if ur worried.xx


    Hi stevie, I’m only 16 and I see exactly where you’re coming from, I know this is proper young to think about it!
    My size is 34F but theyve gone from 34B to that in a year.. It’s like theyve sagged already.
    I really think it’s worth it with the confidence boost.. I’m still unsure myself though.
    Howd you feel about it?


    Hi there!! i have had an uplift and implant. i had it done 6 weeks ago, and i have to say its the best thing i have ever done. you can hardly see the scarring!
    the scarring is different to normal implants. You get a line round your nipple and down, but it fades loads, and eventually after about 5 months totally dissapears!!
    send me your email and ill send you some pics! ill take some more up to date pics.
    ust think if you have an uplift you dont have to bother with any bra;s again when you wear strappy tops etc. its brill.
    the uplift has left my chest really smooth aswell, as i had a bit of sun damage there from when i used to go on sunbeds, (but stopped!!) it amazing how nice it all looks. in the end go for it, as when you get older, your boobs dont get any better so may aswell have uplift now, and show off them gorg boobies.




    to add to that, i was a 34b and had uplift and implant taking me to a 32e!! they are so round and pert i love them.


    hi janeyh
    i have been looking at having an uplift for three yrs now im 22 and have had two kids so breast feeding as really taken its toll. But i have now been looking at having implants as well. Do you have more scarring when having implants than the uplift alone? Also when you see the consultant could they give you a rough size you would be without the implants.
    Any info would be greatly appreciated

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