19 and getting BA good or bad idea? Started by: Danni Fyles

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    Hey girls just wondering if there is anyone else on here who is also 19 the same age as myself who have gone through with it or know anyone that age who has? I would really appreciate it if any one could give me a bit of advice on what they will be like a few years down the line? Is 19 too early for getting them or would they give me the confidence boost i need. I’m definitely not growing any more at any time in my life. Should I just go for it or wait till im at least in my twenties? X


    My friend had them when she was 19. No probs!! I’d go for it as you’ve got a while ahead of you before you may be thinking about kids? I’m on my way to my op now and im 22 next week xx


    I am 19 and have my op booked for beginning of April. I would go for it, you are in the prime of your life and it will give you the confidence you need. I have waited and waited hoping they would grow but if they haven’t by now I don’t think they ever will! Best decision I have made!! Go for it it’s better now than waiting around being unhappy!! Xxx

    Laura 13

    I am having my ba in just over 3 weeks. I am 26 and have wanted this since I was 16 and really wish I had done it earlier than now.


    Im only 18 but ive always known that I would get a ba as soon as I could! I couldn’t imagine waiting any longer than I have to finally have boobs and have some confidence that ive never had, now im 12 days away from surgery and I cant wait! 😀 all id say is just make sure you are 100% ready and happy to go ahead then you’ll have nothing to regret, good luck! 🙂 xx

    Laura 13

    Over the past 10 years I have always wanted ba, but that the feelings would go away but theyv just got stronger.

    India 6

    I’m 19 getting mine done 3 weeks today, tried to wait for them to grow but they never did, I think in your early 20s is when you want to be most body confident so I’m going for it and not waiting any longer, rather be happy now xxx


    My friend has hers done when she was 19, and that was over 3 years ago now. Best decision she ever made, she says it’s like she’s never been without them! Don’t know why I waited so long!! 🙂 xxx


    Hey babe I’m 18 and I’ve got mine booked for 4th April, go for it if you know you want it! I think of it as we are young and will be so happy with them, you will probably go on girlie holidays and all sorts and you will feel amazing! Xxx

    CRx -1

    I’m 20 booked for 13th May. I’ve got 4 & 5 yr old though so I know i’m not having anymore children from now, so perfect timing for me 😀 my friend had hers done at 18 and she says it’s the best thing she’s ever done Xx


    I’m 19 had mine end of jan best decision ever!!!! xx


    Ahhh I feel so old haha. Go for it! Xx


    Aww thanks so much to all who have commented, everyone that ive read has been fab advice! Thanks girlies xD I’ve also got two children and DEFO not having no more any time soon lol and that was the only thing one of you said would effect it so I’m just gonna go for it, all of you are right this is the point in our lives we need the confidence. Thanks a lot girls! Xx

    Francesca -1

    i had my op when i was 19, i have no regrets xx

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