19 days po Is there any difference? Started by: Yvette

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  • Yvette 85

    Losing the will to live, one minute they seem big, then small then big etc etc
    Also has any noticed dry flaky skin on there boobs, …maybe I’m not moisturising anough :/
    Another thing iv noticed is my nipple on one side seems a lot lower than the other, will this even out? Surgeon never mentioned a thing about them so assumed they were fine but every pic one seems higher 🙁 hate them right now
    1st pics are first week and the 2nd pic was taken this morning xx

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    Yvette 85

    And this photo taken this morning xx

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    Yvette 85

    Another today

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    Kelly Rose 34

    You’re crazy! They look absolutely amazing! Your nipples don’t look uneven at all either! You should be over the moon with them, you’re still only early days too so there’s still loads of time for them to change more, 5)36 look great though x

    Chloe 122

    They look great to me, and they look the same size, what implants did u have? I think we over look/think everything coz we want them to be perfect also taking a pic itself can be hard the lighting etc but the look amazing xx

    Chloe 122

    Also one nipple is a tiny bit higher is u really look but no ones boobs match 100%…. my surgeon told me when measuring one of my nipples sits 1/2cm higher than the other, I’d never noticed n now it prob still does but I can’t obviously notice it xx

    Joanne 54

    They look amazing. They are lot bigger on the last photo than on the first and your gap is closing up. The end result is going be fab xxxx

    Claire 92

    They look perfect to me Hun! Deffo fluffed out a bit. If mine turned out like that I’d be over the moon xx

    Yvette 85

    HI Chloe thank you just not liking them, the nipple thing bothers me:/ just feel like they have shrunk and other ppl that had sane implant size are a lot bigger :/ maybe I’m just being greedy!!! I had 345cc hp overs inspira soft touch xx

    Yvette 85

    Thank you just stressing …. xx

    Yvette 85

    I can get a cleavage but that doesn’t bother me it’s the nipple thing and the fact that they go from seeming small/big/small I don’t get it … did you have this? Xx

    Charlotte 6

    They are perfect!!!! Xxx

    Yvette 85

    Arww that’s so kind!! Can’t see it lol but thank you xx

    Cath 75

    @yvette they look fantastic! Perfect for your frame. The boob on the left of the picture looks like it has dropped a tiny bit more than the one on the right, can only really tell because of your tattoo, this could be why the nipple seems a tiny bit lower, we have to remember they are sisters not twins. Hard I know because I’m the same as you. Always finding something wrong with them although they are a world apart from our pre op. I think we forget that we are so early in our recovery aswell. I think I was hoping to wake up from my op and them. Exactly how I wanted them to be.
    I’m seeing my surgeon tonight so will be nice to hear what he thinks of them xx

    Yvette 85

    Hi yes I know what you mean, just wish they were all healed and settled NOW lol just worry a lot I think!! Arww that’s brilliant, let me know how you get on with him? Iv not even seen mine since surgery :/ how many days po are you now cath? Xx

    Cath 75

    Ye I’m the same, I want to wear a nice bra lol. Sick of these sports bras. I’m 20dpo today will be 3 weeks tomorrow! It’s gone so fast! Yet I feel like I’ve had them forever. I keep looking at my pre op picture and thinking OMG I don’t remember having those horrible things lol. I hope your happy with your results real soon.
    Ye I’ll let you know what he says. He will be sick of the sight of me coz I see him again on the 5th October for my 6wpo. Xx

    Hannah 214

    They definitely go big small big small. Mine do that it’s so irritating! I think the right one is actually still a little higher and that’s why your nipple looks higher.

    As for the flakey skin I get that, and I swear I’m moisturising loads!! Xx

    Yvette 85

    Gets you down doesn’t it?! Think to myself why not just stay sane Size, don’t see why they do it, ahh really? I keep getting it on each boob in between cleveage and at sides of chest, near side boob, tiny little bits!!akes me feel dirty, think maybe it’s where we can’t wash them maybe and skin is stretched? Xx how are yours looking now Hannah? Xx

    Callie 13

    They look fab!!

    Mitch 39

    They look fab hunni xx

    Mitch 39

    I see you still have the sterile strips on still how long was you told to wear them hun? The nurse told me to take mine off after 7 days?? xx

    Hannah 214

    Yeh makes me so paranoid that they will stay small. I get it mostly on the sides of my boobs, and yesterday it was in my bra when I took it off, which was vile lol. I reckon it’s the skin being stretched that causes it.

    I still have one bigger than the other. You only notice it when I have nothing on. In a bra they look fine. Also I feel like when I push the right one in a bit they match, it’s like that one is sitting slightly further out, hence making it look smaller but I dunno lol xx

    Yvette 85

    Hi thank you 🙂 my stitches are inside so was told to keep these steri strips on till sept 26th which seems ages away , how’s your recovery going? Xx

    Lauren 2

    what size did you get? And over or under? What size and shape did you have before? I think yours look great! X

    Mitch 39

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    Oh really I forgot to ask what type of stitches I had lol but if I only have to keep mine on a week must have had different to you hun…. my recovery going OK thank’s hunni feeling so much better then last week I’m just full of cold so feel crap because of that xx

    kelly 58

    These look beautiful, i hope to god mine look this nice, and i bet they have a lot of changing to do yet as well. I really am struggling to notice the nipple difference. Don’t forget , if your nipples are slightly mis matched to start with, they still will be. Basically just just a bigger version of the boobs you had, i think they look bloody amazing!

    Yvette 85

    Hi Laura I was a 32a barely filled an a cup, surgeon noted me down as a 32a / b hmm:- not sure how as he didn’t measure me lol
    I had 345cc hp overs inspira naturelle soft touch textured implants xx

    Yvette 85

    Yeah went to see nurse to have stitches removed (I thought) turns out didn’t need to as inside lol bonus, scars are hairline thin and tiny!! Oh no probably the anthesetic as iv just had a cold , think it messes your body up and lowers the immune system maybe? Not had a cold in a year then low and behold a fortnight later after surgery a cold, hope you feel much better soon xx

    Yvette 85

    Thank you Kelly, yeah I don’t think that nipple was the same as my other one anyway, maybe that’s why!!! Urghh why can’t we all be perfect then we wouldn’t have to go through this ?! :/ haha are you due to have surgery? Xx


    Your boobs look fab hun! I’m 5wpo and only just starting to like mine hun so don’t stress.. I think everyone on this forum has had a wobble or 2! I took a picture of my boobs last night and noticed that my nipples look really uneven but I’ve never noticed it before.. maybe it’s something that might improve as they settle. Xx


    The above is last night (5wpo) and below is 1wpo- I feel like my nipples look even at 1 week so not sure what’s happened xx

    Yvette 85

    Oh god, yeah find it in my bra, even been scratching it off!!! Horrid 🙁 makes yu wanna keep washing the bras lol
    Oh yeah but probably because they changing at different rates too!! I though yours look fantastic like Caths!!! I find mine look so small in my Macom bra, mayb they squash us in!!! Loved those bralettes you got, so pretty!! Do you wear them now? Can’t remember how many days po you are now? Xx

    Yvette 85

    Hi lily 🙂 yours look great, yes can see the nipple height difference but look at your 1 week post op pic they are even so it’s most likely due to them changing at different rates!! What size and profile did you have, also did you have overs or unders?
    Did you go with mya? Xx

    Mitch 39

    @yvette Yeh must be that that’s done it I hadn’t had a cold in ages too xx


    I had unders hun.. I had asymmetry and an uneven chest wall so had 300cc HP in the left and 400cc UHP in the right! Was super worried they were gonna look ridiculous but they’ve turned out really well! I had mr Kazzazzi -he worked with mya until very recently but now just works through his own private clinic in Doncaster xx


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    They look amazing! I got terrible dry flaking skin round my boobs at 4WPO, the nurse advised me to dilute some bio oil in a jug and pour it over your boobs at the end of your shower or put some in your bath. I did that and also used E45 body moistursier with bio oil on top, it has worked wonders , im now nearly 7WPO and my skin is gorgeous and soft once again! xxxx

    Laura 143

    @leighemma89 yours look brilliant, i remember you having 300 in one an 400 in the other and different profiles an you being really worried but they look spot on your surgeon as done an amazing job xx

    Laura 143

    Hadnt seen your reply till after i posted mine lol. Didnt realise you had mr kazzazi, i had him too xx

    Hannah 214

    @witwoolou haha I know especially the black bras! Macoms definitely squash them in, I have a nice cleavage when I wear them tho, but the look a bit flat if that makes sense? No can’t wear them yet, I’m 20DPO. I just tried them on and took some pics to make myself feel better lol. Xx

    Mf1105 15

    Honestly I would be so happy with your result. They are amazing. Xx


    @lauraj1987 thankyou hun 🙂 xx

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