1DPO looking for advice from post op ladies Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hiya ladies. I had my op yesterday, everything went well and I’m currently all dosed up. I was a 32B before and breastfeeding my daughter also ruined them they were very saggy I was borderline lift. I’m 24 years old 7 and a half stone and 5’3.

    Now the thing I’m worried about is them getting smaller and droopier. Where before the op I was empty ontop (balls in a sock if you will) and I’m worried having this white strap on is going to make them drop even more. The size is perfect I love them but I know they won’t stay this size. I’ve been doing a lot of research of girls who have had 450cc understand after a year I’ve noticed they shrink a lot. I just don’t want to be disappointed 🙁

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun when I had my sugury nearly 6 months ago my sugoen said we only get a bigger rounder and fuller version of what we already have to start with as you where boredline for s lift to start with id asume you will possiable need s lift in the future xxx


    Oo okay so does that mean there’s a high possibility they will be quite saggy once th swelling has gone down? My surgeon said he will go under bcos of the lack of volume ontop he can’t do overs xx


    Also do I need to wear the white strap? I feel like that’s helping them be saggy aha xx

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