1st April ladies… Started by: Logansrunner

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    How are you all feeling?

    I’m booked in at Preston tomorrow at 10am with Dr Traynor.

    I’m actually feeling very calm today but to be fair I’ve not had a minute since about Thursday haha.

    I’m still torn between sizes though so think ill just leave it to Dr T to decide what looks better now. Still a little scared I’m going to end up like Jordan lol.


    Hi Lisa I’m at Preston tomorrow too and my admission time is also 10am! I was more nervous yesterday than I am today. I’m not looking forward to the drive down though! What sizes are you torn between? Xx


    Hi ladies, I’m with Mr traynor 8am, I’m so nervous. Were driving down tonight. Good luck Xx

    Laura 13

    Good luck ladies. Im at preston a week tomorrow.


    Ahh just think, this time tomorrow we will be sore but fine and sorted.

    I’m struggling between 385 & 415. I know it’s not a big difference but I’m already a 32c and don’t want to be huge E at the most really. I’m looking more for fullness and a little bigger after having my little boy.


    Thanks Laura, it’ll soon be here for you x


    Well fingers crossed this time tomorrow we aren’t too sore but are all done ( I’m hoping I would’ve eaten a good meal by then too I’m not looking forward to the fasting!). I was stuck between 380 and 410 but there was hardly any difference so went with the bigger in the end! Where are you travelling from?
    Sal you might already have your twins when we get there tomorrow. Bet none of us get a good sleep tonight! Xx


    I’m from near Bolton so only about 30mins drive.
    I am not expecting to sleep much, if I do though I know I’ll be up at the crack of dawn most probably cleaning as this is my nervous habit lol.


    That’s a nice quick drive and you can have the comfort of your own he
    After the op too! I’ve not stopped eating today I think I’m doing it to keep the nerves at bay and pass time haha xx


    Good luck 🙂 1 week 1 day for me X


    Mine is tomorrow at 12 with Dr Traynor! Stuck between sizes too probably going for 380cc.. Hope some of you girls have yours done already when I arrive!! Sooo exciting. Dreading the fasting! xx


    Quick question whilst I rember… When they say no water two hours before does that mean two hours before admission time? Xx


    Yeah 2 hours before, so if u went in at 10 nothing after 8 xx


    Thanks Natasha it sounded like a stupid question but I wasn’t sure! Xx


    Its not I probs be asking the same next week when it’s my turn lol. Good luck and keep us posted xx


    Thanks! Good luck for yours next week xx


    Haha Madeleine I’ve been stuffing my face for about a week now, I can’t stop.
    Right I’m off to bed to see if I can sleep. Good luck for tomorrow ladies xx

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