Hi girls
I know that they both heal at different rates but I’m having a minor freak out. Do these look TOO different? I know it’s only a week and I have to give them time..
Just looking for reassurance as I’m sure that I’m due my first emotional breakdown at any minute
Hi Leanne, there incredible I bet your really happy with size and shape. One is slightly higher but it’s not that noticable but like you said give it a few weeks they both would have dropped. Unders do take longer which is so frustrating I had mine done last week aswell and I’m so impatient! ! But fingers crossed will all be worth it in the end xx
They look fine for one week Hun they still super high they will drop and settle we just got to be patient i no it’s soo hard to do and I think everyone has a emotional break down at some point in there journey as it soo emotionally draining xxxx
Thanks girls. You read so many people’s journeys online and see their progress. I know they take a while to settle but it’s just a complete rollercoaster!
I’m happy with the size. I just wish I could fast forward my life six months! Haha! Xx
It really is one big rollercoaster and I’m the same really want to fast forward couple months lol xxx
Honestly try not to get upset. I hated my boobs for 8days! I still don’t 100% like them not BUT I am only 17days post op. First 8days it didn’t look like I had anything done I was so disappointed, they was so flat and so far apart. 10days they seemed to come out of nowhere, they are slowly changing in size and they are definitely moving closer together. I asked my nurse and pc last week if they will change more and they said oh yes loads! Your boobs can change so much over the first 12months so unfortunately it’s going to take time. Some quicker than others but I’ve now told myself patience is the key.. happy healing xx
Hey babe,
Honestly they’re looking great! I cried my eyes out the first time I saw mine after a week and the first few weeks I wished I never done it and cried so much but now I’m 8 weeks and I’m so so so so happy I love them so much and uploading all the bikini pics on my insta.
I still don’t think mine are perfect, I want them bigger but nothing is perfect! What I’ve learned is please don’t compare to other girls and I know everyone says be patient and you kinda think obvs but you really do have to be.
I had a huge problem with my incicisons and had a massive open wound for weeks and it was a nightmare but nothing is as smoothly as you expect. My boobs are slowly healing and so glad I done it.
Promise you won’t regret it but just give it time!
My insta is @hollieavery if you want reassurance of how awful my incisions were compared to now! xx
@hollsssavery I just added you Hun! I’m @leannetranter
Thank you! That’s made me feel a tonne better! Your pics are awesome!! Xx
@myboobjobjuly17 I’m still wearing the torture device yes! Just shower without it. My PO nurse said she’s happy for me to be without it for an hour a day. I almost kissed her when she said that!! X
@vickii109 They feel like they’re changing every day.. definitely starting to look more like boobs now. Thanks for the reassurance Hun xxx
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