girls when do you start feeling more yourself again? I feel so deflated and lethargic it a unreal. I know I’m only 2 days post op as I was Monday but I want to start feeling better for the children?? xx
Aw hope you’re alright, I’m 7 days post op today and I had unders but definitely feel 100x better than I did on the second day, day 2 and 3 definitely the worst! I have a 2 year old niece I care for and I’m back to playing about with her and all normal stuff! Hang in there!! Xxx
I felt horrible for the first few days! Barely any pain but felt sick from the painkillers and super sleepy. I came off the painkillers after day 2 and had paracetamol as and when. Day 4/5 was when it all started to wear off, I’m day 8 now and feel pretty much normal
I’m Day 3 now and feeling like shit. Got my boyfriend to wash my hair and now I feel exhausted. Fed up of feeling dirty and not being able to move my arms. I’m not good at sitting around and doing nothing! X
Took me about a week to start feeling normal again ! It’s just a waiting game xxx
Day 5 P.O. for me today x best I have felt so far still feel very sick but gradually getting my appetite back x just waiting for the constipation to go away but that should ease now I’ve stopped taking the pain killers x visit with the nurse tomorrow so hope all is good under this bra! Xx stick with it it will all be worth it in the summer ! X
I agree, 6 days post op and I’m doing more and more each day, feeling more normal and no medication. Just a constant headache and feeling weaker than usual. The first 4 days are rubbish and the rest is a day to day improvement back to full working order!
Is anyone else numb under the breasts at all?
thanks girls! I’m feeling alot better today compared to yesterday! but feeling really tight and out of breath! last night was a struggle to sleep! up every hour with either back pain from laying on the same spot or just really restless! I have 3 kids so o feel awful that’s probably what’s making me feel worse knowing I can’t do anything with them! I’m hanging on in just want to feel slightly better haha! xx
I have two children Danielle and my husband has been away since Monday morning so I’m having the similar struggles although a few days ahead. I am feeling guilty and can’t do anything with them or for them but just think, they will never remember this week and they have plenty of toys and snacks I’m sure so try not to worry, I know it seems hard right now but you’re not alone and we are all here! You’ll get there, the worst is over, back pain and sleepless nights now but beautiful twins will make it worthwhile and we can spoil the children in the summer when the weather is better!
I’m getting better pain in the chest wise but having headaches and feeling delirious! I’m 6 days post op now. Days 3-5 were the worst for me, I was so emotional!!
I seem to be feeling slightly better today! had a little cry last night as my youngest is 1 and just feel awful that I can’t cuddle or just go and pick her up! have a headache today but I think that’s more lack of sleep aswell as I’m waking every night around 3am as I’m uncomfy them every hour after that lol xx
Day 4 for me now and I’m feeling so much better! Went to the hairdressers to sort my hair out and just getting a dull chest pain now. It does get better! Was in tears yesterday because I was so fed up! X
oh well done you!! I’m struggling to find clothes I can actually put on! I didn’t think about the clothes I had much for after at all haha! so I’m slumming it in my pjs since Monday ( don’t worry ice washed and put clean ones on) haha! I need my hair washing but I domt know if I fancy going hair dressers lol xxxx
Don’t worry Danielle, you’re getting there and it will soon all be a distant memory. I understand how you must feel. I hate but being able to cuddle my 4 year old but a 1 year old is much harder, I hope you have some help! I’m day 7 now and have had the tape taken off, showered and washed my hair, you will be there too before you know it. Still sleepless nights and a headaches but every day is a day for progress!
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Day 4 for me I’m taped up and I feel so tight and my boobs feel rock hard . I can’t wait to get this tape off me it so tight feel like I can’t stand up straight .i feel guilty because my kids want a cuddle .also my nipples look a special kind of rare lol but I’m sure that will change x
I didn’t think about clothes either! I’ve been living in pjs and only found one shirt I can put on without having to lift my arms up haha. What a nightmare x
I’m haven’t been dressed since just lived in my pj bottoms not even put a top on just my dressing gown that I need help to get on x
it a funny how you don’t think about clothes for after isn’t it haha! I’m day 4 now and spread feeling so much better! still can’t do silly little bits at times but glad I’m feeling myself a little more! when did you girls brace a drive? I’m not driving for as long as possible just curious xx
Love this post! I’m day 3 and nice to hear it’s normal how I feel. I’m pretty much just in my bra and strap and support socks as find clothes really annoying. So just in dressing gown when walking about. Also can’t wait to hug my toddler who’s 15m. Actually scared for my partner to go back to work Thursday, I really hope I improve a lot by then, my 12 year is here to help me though still.
I’m finding sleeping the worst as really aches my back, been using ice packs on my front and heat packs on my back today which really helps! Defo worth a try if you’re achey ladies x x
Not going to drive until after I’ve had my post op check up which will be 9 days post op. I work away so will have to drive at 2 weeks post op to go back to work and I’m really nervous! X
@thecatisback I’ve just added you as a friend! read your stats ect and we had same person!! be good to message you!!
ywah my youngest is 1 and it’s horrible not to hold them isn’t it! but today is so different I feel so much better xx
Oh thats awesome @danielle-23-03 I’m not sure what’s happening when I go to accept it just says friendship requested? Not sure if you have to accept?
maybe delete it and then you try and add me it always does this when I add people lol!xx
@danielle-23-03 it just goes to my profile whatever I press. I’d put my mobile on here but might end up getting random messages lol x x
if you’ve got Instagram or Facebook add me on there! it a literally Danielle cleaver for both xx
little update I’m now 6 days P.O. and feeling so much more myself again! I can pretty much do most of the stuff I want to do myself! but my right arm is so much more better than my left atm! but all the muscles still have to heal again I guess! so happy so far girls xx
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