2 days post opp, in pain!!!! Started by: rachel stuart

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    Hey girls, can anyone advise any other pain relief to take?? Yesterday i was totally fine i just felt tight but very little pain, woke today and its very painful especially my left boob!!!!

    Adele 29

    im not sure what pain relief they have you but I was given cocodamol with paracetamol and ibuprofen. So you can definitely combine those three.

    The pain does get better day by day. Just get someone to help you get comfortable and use ice packs. Just rest. I always find I’m in the most pain when I first wake up. It eases throughout the day.

    Hang in there Hun. Think of the end result. It will all be worth it. Happy healing! X

    kim 45

    Just keep up with ur meds, defiantly use ice packs all the time I literally had an ice pack on me at all times!!

    It does get better by about day 4/5

    Just take it easy and don’t do much! Happy healing xx


    I’ve been using a hot water bottle instead of ice coz when I’m in pain and cold it makes me feel worse haha! I’ve been sleeping with a fluffy one tucked under my right arm and it’s helped loads. My nurse said meds every 6 hours but I spoke to someone yday and they said have cocodamol then ibuprofen 4 hours apart and it’s really helped instead of both together xxx

    Lucy 12

    Don’t use co-codamol and paracetamol together as co-codamol is a mix of codeine and paracetamol. I used co-codamol for the first 2 sets of meds on the day after my op then swapped for paracetamol as the codeine was bunging me up ? And I’ve been fine on the paracetamol, ibuprofen and antobiotics. Had my op on Monday and even though I’m still aching and tender it’s getting easier day by day xx wishing you a speedy recovery xx


    Thanks girls im being sick and everything.. rang the nurse and theyve told me to stop taking the cocodamol and take paracetemol instead, i will try ice packs to xxx

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