2 dpo Started by: Louise

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  • Louise

    I feel I’ve been quite lucky as not really had any pain, just a very uncortable achy, heavy feeling,
    I find it better if I walk a little around the room. Managed to go for a walk out side last night which was nice.
    The stockings are driving me crazy and I’ve woken up this morning with my toes out the bottom of them so I’m assuming I got irritated in the night! Ha ha .
    Ice packs are the best thing ever cannot recommend them enough
    Just wishing the week away to get this strapping off

    Laura 47

    Oh I know! My actual boobs don’t hurt that much but my lower back is killing me. I haven’t slept properly in days!
    The nurse said to wear the compression socks as your not as mobile? If you’re walking around and moving a lot I’d ditch them. I’m having two short walks a day so I’ve got rid of mine.
    I’m now day 3 PO and I’m really hoping things go down a bit x

    Stacey 496

    I took my compression socks off yesterday 3dpo cos I’m walking around and doing bits now they where driving me mad lol xxx

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