2 DPO and I'm bored!! Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 52

    God who knew just 2 days on the couch would be enough to drive me a little insane. I’m bored of the TV, bored of Netflix, read all my magazines and sick of rearranging this mountain of pillows behind me!

    Hoping by Saturday I’ll be able to move around a little more than I do now. I’m not really in pain so much – my chest feels very tight and I’ve woken up with what feels like 1 boob under my armpit – it’s just uncomfortable moving around and it’s that that’s annoying me the most!

    Anyway onwards and upwards!!

    Hope everyone else is ok xx

    Lauren 7

    That’s the trick of surgery. I didn’t feel normal for 10 days after. couldn’t do much myself or for myself even. couldn’t even get out of the armchair haha. You’ll be like it for a couple of weeks unfortunately. don’t strain yourself too much or try to move too fast. you’re probably all hunched over still too!! Xx

    Sophie 15

    Take full advantage of doing nothing! Honestly your body will thank you for it later! I was daft and did way too much and paid for it a day or two later! Relax!!! (Easier said than done I know) xxx

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