2 more sleeps Started by: Grainne Mears-Bullen

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    2 more sleeps on my front til my op day on Wednesday! Any last minute advice? Tips on what to bring for a day case? Food or other things to pick up today and tomorrow. I have my v pillow, button up pjs, ice packs, and a comfy zip up tracksuit to wear going home. Oh and of course my bra haha! Should I pick up painkillers or anything like that?

    Cayler 56

    Argh how exciting! – sounds to me like you’ve got it all covered .. all I would suggest is get some laxatives in for the bloating .. I was daycare and literally went there and left in my comfys (leggings & zippy top) – only other advise is to enjoy it! It goes so quickly xxxxx


    I think I actually will. I’m usually such a control freak things like this would stress me out. But I’m so prepared and looking forward to it I don’t feel nervous at all. I’ll grab some laxatives tomorrow! Just put my v pillowcase on my v pillow. That was probably the most traumatic thing!! ????

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