2 sleeps to go:) Started by: Yana

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  • Yana 51

    Mixed feelings.. Excited and scared at the same time. Re-aug and full tummy tuck. Going to London tomorrow overnight before the op, as the admission time is 7am Wed morning. Need to start packing for 2 days. Still don’t know what exactly I’m gonna wear coming back. It’s extremely hot.. So thinking in all the corset and strapping I’ll be boiling!
    I booked the parking for 2 days. That’s all sorted.
    Bought pillows, including 2v-pillows, got 2 MaCom bras. Got wet wipes, Sanex Zero, Dettol antibacterial soap with lavender smell, dry shampoo,Senecol, roll on deodorant..
    Oh, must remember to wax today:)) took the nail varnish off..coloured my hair.
    Kindle is on charge..
    Anything else I’m forgetting?

    Miss 3

    Super organised, sounds like everything…..I am going to bring moisturiser oil spray for the rest of my body as i get dry skin!!
    Took off my gel nails today…admission time is 12pm.

    Its so exciting!!!!! 😀

    Yana 51

    Awesome:) I hope by then I’d be awake with slimmer tummy and bigger boobs lol.
    Still not packed … Just laying here enjoying my 1st Monday off in ages!

    Miss 3

    Lol, you will for sure!
    i am not usually organised but i always forget something . defo, enjoy it!!

    alexis 1

    Wow you are super organised all I took was a crappy mag and a pack of biscuits.
    Good luck hope all goes well and results exceed your expectations x

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