So I’ve been reading this forum since I first had my consultation and there wasn’t much said about boobs which are very odd in sizes (not sure if many people have this or if it’s just me) but I was a 34 A lefty and B righty so was pretty anxious whether they could make them even, and bigger obviously!
I was with Mr Marcellino who is incredible, I got 400cc on the lefty and 325cc in the righty so there was a big difference between the two! I went with unders as I wanted the more natural look.
Anyway I just thought I would upload to pictures from literally an hour after my op, my 1st post op appointment a week after when the strapping was taken off and my 2nd post opp appointment which I had to today to get my stitches taken out.
So ladies, if anyone else out there is worried about odd boobs do not worry!