2 weeks post op and still in pain :-( is this normal?? Started by: Natalie

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  • Natalie 27

    I’m 2 weeks post op tomorrow and have been feeling so much better from week one but the last few days I’ve been in agony. My boobs feel like I have the worst pins and needles or feel severely sunburnt and EVERYTHING that touches them hurts. I’ve spent a small fortune on different bras hoping to be more comfortable and nothing helps. Im just constantly uncomfortable the only time I’m not is if it sit completely still with no bra on which isn’t practical for everyday life lol. Please can someone tell me 1. This is normal and 2. This will end soon. It’s really starting to get me down I feel like a hermit not wanting to go out and do anything. Sorry to rant I just need some sort of reassurance that this will get better. I thought by now I would be almost back to normal and pain free. I had 550cc so don’t know if it makes a difference that I’ve had a large ish implant?


    Hiya Natalie. Oh no, it sounds really uncomfortable, and really frustrating to be sore again 2 weeks post op, we imagine each week starts to get better. it sounds like it’s your nerves healing, the symptoms you describe are exactly like nerve damage. You can research it yourself on line, but there are a few things that can be done to promote healing ie drinking plenty water, eating a high protein diet etc. I really hope it starts to settle down soon, ps I believe drinking lots of ginger tea helps too xx

    Natalie 27

    Thanks @Becki. I did a little research last night and it does seem like nerve damage. This whole experience is so up and down, one day u feel on top of the world and the next day the complete opposite. I guess it’s all part of the healing process and have to ride it out as it’s all worth it at the end of the day.
    I drink 2-3 litres of water everyday anyway but my protein intake is pretty low to be honest so could up that a bit I didn’t know about ginger tea I’ll try that too. Thank you for your advice. Xx

    Goldie 29

    @unicorn8 Hi Natalie,

    I was literally just about to post the same thing & im 3wkspo today!!!
    Like you say week 1 was agonising, week two I felt elated that I could move a bit better, but as the week went on I realised I wasn’t improving anymore than that!

    I’m 3wpo today & my nipples are in pain 24/7, like you I can’t bare anything touching them because it’s so so sore, and the only relief is to sit without a bra without anything coming near me, but you can’t sit like that forever!

    Wish I could give you comforting news hun but I’m just as fed up 3weeks in. Everyone heals differently tho & some are very lucky, so your pain might ease off loads next week. Xx

    Natalie 27

    Oh @Goldie isn’t it awful. I haven’t seen a lot on here about this so thought I was just one of the unfortunate ones. It’s so uncomfortable even my hair touching them hurts keep thinking of ways to ease the pain that doesn’t involve me having my boobs out 24/7 it’s completely unpractical. I guess we just have to ride it out 🙁

    I hope you start to feel better soon too Hun 3 weeks being uncomfortable must feel like a long time. If you come across any miracle remedies that manage to help the nerve damage heal quicker drop me and message and let me know. Lol xxx


    I am drinking protein shakes for extra boost, eat plenty of fish, chicken and red meat, loads of dark green veg. Make fresh ginger tea oh also scrabbled eggs with turmeric for breakfast ???????? ginger tea 3 x a day and better to use grated fresh ginger. This is a diet to help repair nerve damage so it’s worth trying. But research it yourself, I am paranoid about nerve damage because it feels so awful, try and help them heal quicker by putting the right stuff in your body xxx
    Ps I started ginger tea 2 days ago, it could just be 8 days post op I naturally feel much better or could be the diet, but I am amazed at how they seemed to change over night. I hope it works anyway. Good luck girlies, really, really hope it settles down for u. And thanks for posting because it gives us a chance to prepare for what lies ahead in the coming weeks.
    Sending u lots of positive get better vibes xx

    Goldie 29


    Yes 3 weeks is too long feeling like this but I guess we know what we signed up to lol. I woke up this morning & nearly cried to my partner saying I’m so fed up of being uncomfortable for so long with no let up.

    I’m still not driving as can’t put any real effort in pulling & pushing as the muscles just go into instant spasm like there telling me not to be so stupid, but I’m back at work and moving around ok so at least I haven’t been stuck at home this week.

    The nipple thing is unbeatable & I was even thinking of women who get pain when breast feeding – is t there something for them to help with the soreness? Like a cream, or a pad to protect them??? I’m gonna look into this & let you know if anything works.

    Hang in there sweetie it can only get easier! Xx


    Hi Goldie @goldielox yest you can get nipple creams and breast pads to protect your nipples, I have been using vasoline for now and seems to be helping. I think wearing a tight bra 24/7 is part of the problem. I really hope u feel better soon xx

    Natalie 27

    Oh bless you @goldie I can only imagine how you feel thinking I’ve got another week (or more) of this is unbearable I really do feel your pain as I feel so fed up with it all now. I’m back to work Tuesday so might take my mind off it a bit and keep me distracted from it.
    That’s it it’s what we signed up for, we knew the risks and went ahead so we have to just deal with it ???? Hopefully soon we’re both be out of this and can start to fully enjoy our new beauties lol.

    I’m such a donut I’ve actually got some juice plus protein shake powder in my cupboard I might start drinking that aswell as healthy eating and see if that helps along with the ginger tea. I’m a firm believer in you get out of what you put in your body so think this might just do the trick….hopefully. Thank you so much for your advice.
    Breast pads might be an option, your right having these awful tight support bras on 24/7 really doesn’t help. Thank you soooo much girls for the reassurance and the tips going to try everything you’ve suggested and try not to let it get me down so much anymore. Xxx

    Goldie 29

    Thanks @beckis I’m going nipple protection shopping tomorrow for sure! I can’t even put Vaseline on them at the moment as can’t bare anything toutching me 🙁 Will hunt down the pads though!
    Thanks Hun. Xx

    Goldie 29

    @unicorn8 Yes being back at work definitely helped take my mind if things, & whilst being so busy forgot about the pain for a bit & stretched myself a bit more doing things which helped. Shame it doesn’t take the pain away altogether!
    Hoping for a better week ahead, & wishing you a better week too. Xx

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