2 weeks post op – is this normal?? Started by: A30

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  • A30 1

    Hi ladies, I’m 2 weeks post op today and I’m finding that my boobs feel so sore and like bruised, I have notice they have soften loads and seem bigger. I’ve had to take some painkillers tonight. I’m wondering if it’s cuss I’ve been driving this week or if this is normal? Xx

    kelly 1

    IM 9 days post op, my boobs are still a touch sore but my nipples wow they feel terribly bruised had unders and heard this can the nerves knitting back together, however i out a post up my right boob oa higher and has been swollen since day one, it still is, got me worrying a bit. My scars have healed perfectly and left boob is ace. Haha u had anything lke this Hun?

    laura 1

    Hi I’m also worried!!! Lol… I’m 10 days post op and one of my incisions are swollen and sore and the other is perfectly fine :s anyone else had this?? Xxx


    My boobs are still sore, my nipples hurt and I can’t lie on my side. I’m 17 days PO xx

    kelly 1

    Seems a few of us has concerns and without to sounds horrible this makes me happy, in the fact of it must be normal not to feel or look 100% straight away… Xxxp

    A30 1

    Yeah I think it’s just normal. I’m 15 days post op today and I feel better today. I think with me going back to work, driving, cleaning and being a mum again this week I’ve probably just done to much. I just rested last night, took some paracetamol and put a slightly bigger sports bra on and I feel fine today.

    Laura I can’t really say much about your incisions cuss I left mine alone for two weeks and kept some tape on them, I’ve only just removed my sterie tape last night. Just keep an eye on them and if your worried just ring your surgeon. Xx

    laura 1

    Yeah mines been sore since they removed the tape
    But the nurse said it need air 🙁 tbh tho I do feel much better … I get the odd pain but who wouldn’t after 11 days PO XXX



    I was wondering about the pain too, because I ran out the painkillers they prescribed after the op today. So I’m just going to use paracetamol. But I’ve heard that the pain can last at least for the first 3 weeks, side of the boob hurts but i think thats from the drain?

    I’m glad we are all in the same boat its nice knowing we are not alone. When you had your strapping off did the nurse not book the post op? When we are allowed to put bio oil on after 6 weeks iv also heard that Dematrix strips are really good, when I went to boots today the lady at the counter gave me this dematrix gel too and aparantly a lady was so pleased with it she came back in a week ago to tell the nurse that the scar had completely vanished 🙂

    Also why no shower? I was told after the strapping was removed i could shower? so I jumped in today, really worried now. So you havent showered at all since the op? how long were you told to wait?



    @laura1988 mine are exactly the same I’m so scared I think there gettin infected and the inside of my scar has opened 🙁 I’ve gotta go back see the nurse Tuesday to make sure it’s ok my scars that swolen it looks like its my boob xxx


    I was told i could shower at 2 weeks but not have a bath until 6 weeks xx


    I think it’s normal Hun it’s just the nerve endings binding back together! I remember getting really sharp pains which took me back a little but they’ve reduced over time and my left feels great but my right a little sore still even at 8/9wks post op! It all takes time and is probably your body telling you to try and slow down a little bit 😉 x

    A30 1

    Yeah mine don’t hurt if I put on a bigger sports bra, think I’m just going through a stage where they are changing. Me and Polina didn’t go through Mya so we will have received different aftercare. I’ve been putting bio oil on my boobs from week 1 but won’t put it on my scars until 6 weeks.i. I might look into that dermatrix gel…thanks. Xx

    Polina 1

    I ve checked dermatrix gel is about £30 in boots, but im sure we can find it cheaper online. I will also get silicone sheets like scaraway for my big scar, I heard really good reviews on those on youtube x 🙂

    Michelle -4

    Hey girls I had all my dressings removed 7 days post op! It’s amazing how quickly the incisions have heeled since then.. Now 12 days post op! I could have a proper shower from the 7 day check up, along as you don’t put soap or rub directly on the incision it’s fine to let the water run over your boobs.. Hope that makes sense!
    The Nurse also said not to get a proper bath.. Eg don’t soak your boobs in water!
    Hope this helps xxx

    Michelle -4

    Ps the nurse also told me to have someone with you the first time you get a shower without your dressing, just incase you feel funny xx


    Thanks @michelle made me feel much better also wanted to ask, what do people do at night do you wear a bra still not sure what is better for them.


    Michelle -4

    Hi @lauren I think a quick shower and just try to avoid the incision area is best 🙂 make sure the area is dry afterwards.
    Have you had your 7 day check up yet?

    You have to continuously wear your sports bra for 6 weeks, day & night! To support your new boobies 🙂
    Once you have your 6 week check up your nurse/surgeon will inform you if you can start wearing bras xxx

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