2 weeks post op… Right implant doesn't feel right Started by: Kate

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  • Kate

    So I’ve had an extremely easy recovery! However the past two days my right implant feels weird… It’s hard to explain. It’s like it’s not sitting in my chest, I feel like it’s just moving around all the time. Especially when I bend forward… Is this normal? I’m just concerned as it’s suddenly happened after feeling so great. Do I need to see my nurse? There is no pain just feels strange.
    Any advice would be great! Thanks


    HI hun, you would need to see your surgeon not your nurse.. your only 2 weeks the implant might be still dropping into the pocket.. i wouldn’t worry about it at the minute your still so early post op… BUT if you are getting really worried please ring up and demand to see your surgeon, a nurse will not be able to tell you anything she is only a nurse.

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