2 weeks to go, any advice ??? Started by: Stevie

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  • Stevie 1

    Hey girls, i have 2 weeks to go any advice or things u can help me with to do, i have my v pillow my macom and a onesie 🙂 xx

    sam -1

    all that i would say is have some dry shampoo and just clean your top half with babywipes for the week after and don’t worry about it! I didnt take my painkillers atall and i just felt like I had done an upper body workout (I think I had it very easy) I was picking my 6 month old son up the day after too 🙂 xx


    I’ve got 2 weeks as well what date are you 🙂 I’m 22nd xx

    tracey 2

    Pillow for placing between ur self and seatbelt on way home. . Slippers whilst ur in u may get cold feet reading material whilst ur waiting plenty of fresh fruit and water stocked up before op wash hair before u go in pain killers incase u need some others to what they give u laxatives some people have stomach problems after being knocked out or the antibiotix u get put on. Arnica tablets these help the inner bruising . At home make sure everything is placed to no more than shoder height that ur going to need such as cuos plates ect obv once oos done lol

    Stevie 1

    Thank you so much girls any advice is much appreciated, where can i buy the amica tablets and when should u start taking them tracey. Teg im the 22nd too at Highgate where are u having yours xx


    I guess it depends what procedure you’re having. I went under the muscle and i’ve been really struggling with pain. Ive taken my tablets as i’m supposed to. However, they do make me a little bit sick. Which surprised me because in general, i’m not a sick person. just try not to do too much at first, take it as easy as possible! Also, order yourself some dermatix scar sheets for when your sutures are out. they help reduce redness of the scar.


    Not forget to take your dressing gown tx

    tracey 2

    Arnica holand and barrats or any shop like that.. stephinie jane I had unders and my god even with a high pain freshhold I strugled I found paracetamol in chemist that were slightly higher dose than regular ones that helped after I used the pain relief they gave me. Keep some ice packs in freezer and when it gets to much just wrap them in a towel and place them on u for a while it helps a little bit…. ur going to go through some really strange zings and pains n itches and all sorts numbness to being over sensitive permenant errect nips for a while them feeling like ice blocks then feeling like there on fire and if yr like me at the start of week two ur be thing why did I do this but I promise u its worth it

    Stevie 1

    Thanks girls, im having unders too, Okay ill go get some arnica when should you start taking them and how long for?
    I hope it will all be worth it, im so nervous already but bloody excited !!


    Hey what does Arnica do? I saw another post about this. I used to use the gel on sprains or bruises.

    tracey 2

    The lil tablets that disolve in ur mouth it helps with the internal bruising yr get from the op .
    I started taking mine soon as I got home from the op I don’t know if u can take before in preperation or not

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