2 weeks today…any tips as not had pre op yet? Started by: Kelbel

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  • Kelbel 3

    I cant believe my op is 2 weeks today! Its happening so quickly! I had my first consultation just under two weeks ago so from start to finish it will be a 4 week process!!
    As everything has happened so quickly and the fact I’m off on holiday on Thursday I can have my op until the 27th (5 days before my op) so wondered if anyone has any advise as i’ve read about how you must stop taking the pill etc but as I’ve not had my pre op I haven’t been informed of anything…
    Thanks ladies & feel free to add me as I will be putting pics up after 🙂 xxx

    Sarah -2

    I’m 2 weeks today aswell! Eee! I’ve stopped my pill already I was asked to stop it 2 weeks before hand and that was in the handbook they gave me and my pre op nurse also told me! What size are you getting? And what hospital? Xxxxx

    Sarah -2

    I’m just having a ba. 485 in my smaller boob and 450 in my bigger boob but I’m going today to try then in one last time incase I change my mind! I’m having dr traynor in Preston too 🙂 xxx

    Kelbel 3

    Oh well good luck 🙂 keep me posted and we can share our recovery pics together!!! x


    Hey, im 3 weeks tomorrow and im with Mr Traynor at Preston too Sarah :-).
    I’m the same kelbel i haven’t been advised about stop taking the pill but suppose they will go through all of that on pre-op.
    Hope you don’t mind if i add you both?


    Kelbel 3

    Yes feel free to add me 🙂
    Ive been told to get charcoal capsules as they help bloatedness as apparently you get really bloated after surgery, also bio oil.
    I’ll be putting pics up after the surgery xx


    Same date for me and they’ve allowed me to continue to take the pill as I don’t have periods with the one I’m on. Makes life so much easier xx

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