2 years post-op are my nipples too high? Started by: Ray

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  • Ray

    Hi girls, I am 5ft6, and was a 32AA pre-op. I had 295cc high profile overs just over 2 years ago. I really like the shape and size, but have always been self conscious of the nipple placement. Since day 1 post-op, they’ve always sat quite high, did the surgeon place my implants too low? And if so, is there anything I can do to fix it? Sorry for the rubbish pics! Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

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    Beth 2

    Hi babe I think they look fab!!
    I read somewhere on here about ‘bottom out implants’ have a look into it
    Did you feel as if your nipples were too high after they dropped? X


    Hi, thanks! I’ve read about implants bottoming out, but I don’t think that’s what’s happened to me. My implants feel secure, and have stayed in the same position since my BA 2 years ago. I just feel like the implant placement is slightly too low, so my nipples sit higher than they should. I remember telling my surgeon this at my 6 week post-op checkup and him telling me they were fine, but I wish I had pushed a bit harder as now 2 years later and feel the same!

    Beth 2

    Mmm that’s a positive then, but maybe it’s where the pocket for the implant sits then I guess? Does it bother you a lot?
    Honestly I think they look mega and it makes them look more natural when the nipple sits a little higher imo!
    When we find something we don’t like on ourselves it always seems a million times worse than it actually is! Honestly babe they look fab 😌 x

    Jasmine 1

    You know what it is, it’s because before the surgery your nipples were sitting low and you got used to them looking like that but in reality , perfect breasts actually should have the nipples sitting high , exactly how yours look. Women often want their nipples sitting high not low and your breasts look amazing actually. I don’t think there is such thing as implant placement being low. The implants are placed in the same location for every breasts. Don’t think about it they are great!

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