225cc teardrop overs BOOKED. Started by: Natalie Smith

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    Hi Guys,

    I’m 5ft 1, 51kg and a very tiny 26 inch back. I’m starting this topic for any girls who are concerned that they will look “too big”. I wanted the smallest possible implant but when I tried on sizers (make sure you see a surgeon who STOCKS small sizers when you go in for your consultation because it’s so hard to try on a standard 250cc sized and imagine a smaller one) I decided to go with 225cc due to my frame – I’m a proper pear shape!

    My recommendation would be to see a surgeon who has the small sizers in stock and just because you’re small, don’t imagine having the smallest and keep an open mind for the next size up.

    Follow me on njs_2307 if you want to see my journey. That’s my personal account so I’ll need to see your account before sending any before or after pics (no men, BA enquiries only obvs) ?

    Kim 14

    Hi Natalie, what size did you achieve after having 250cc? I am also very tiny 5ft and 41kg. I had my consultation and I was offered 250cc or 270cc uhp, I’m leaning more towards 270cc as I heard you lose abit if you go under the muscle and I didn’t find much of a difference between the two implants.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Kim 14.

    Hi @kim it’s too early to tell. I’ve got swelling in one breast so they’re very different at the moment. I’ve read that the difference under the muscle is tiny, like a few tablespoons of that – nothing like you may imagine.

    Kaz 4

    Hope it went well Natalie. I had 220 teardrop overs and happy with mine!


    Hi @kaz Do you have any pictures of the drop and fluff? Can’t imagine what they will look like atm with one really swollen one and lots of seroma

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